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    The alarm bells are ringing...

    Concerns, straight-up:

    "When I put out the announcement that Canonical would not be be paying anymore but we would carry on as a community project and so forth, I started getting a bunch of emails from various companies and organisations and individuals who said we depend upon this, we use it, what can we do, how can we help,whats going on? We use your stuff, if it disappears then that means we're in the poo as well. So since then I have made some interesting enquiries that have been quite promissing and this particular one wanted to jump right in and sponser us straight away..." - Jonathan Riddell on ubuntu uk podcast
    Just what about Blue System's proposal was so enticing that it swayed the decision in Blue Systems favour so quickly?
    Remember J.R was, let's just say, 'resigned' to continue working on Unity and said at the time he fully understood and accepted the reasons behind Canonical's decision.

    There is a vision for the future of Kubuntu where the TM policies might constrain things we want to do with Kubuntu.
    Did I miss something?

    Kubuntu will continue as a community project based on Ubuntu. There are no plans to change the LTS version. It will be supported for 5 years.
    If the above quote of David Wonderly's is in fact true, then he is at odds with his own statements. I what to know what sort of vision could;

    a.) conflict with this statement, while

    b.) ALSO be in violation of Canonical's trademark license?

    Q: Who is Blue Systems?
    A: While the details of who is paying for Blue Systems is not widly known here is how it effects the Kubuntu Project. As mentioned in my post, we now have two developers who are being paid to work on KDE and in turn, Kubuntu full time.
    Nice piece of evasion there David. In fact 5 days ago you gave the undertaking to provide more information on Blue System's background to the community. If I am indeed to take you at face value, and presume you too know very little of Blue Systems like the rest of us, then please explain how you could possibly be in a position to know just how this deal could effect the Kubuntu Project in the future?

    Maybe explain all the secrecy David, after all it is you who quips on your blog, "In a world of change, being open is key".
    Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

    "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


      David Wonderly is a member of the Kubuntu Council.


        Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
        Concerns, straight-up:

        Just what about Blue System's proposal was so enticing that it swayed the decision in Blue Systems favour so quickly?
        Remember J.R was, let's just say, 'resigned' to continue working on Unity and said at the time he fully understood and accepted the reasons behind Canonical's decision.
        Paying salary for 2 developers is pretty enticing

        Did I miss something?
        No. If a third party wants to come in and offer support contracts, Canonical has to give the OK to do so. If they say that no, they do not authorize said third party to provide this using the Canonical-owned trademark, that could be the impetus to change the name.

        If the above quote of David Wonderly's is in fact true, then he is at odds with his own statements. I what to know what sort of vision could;

        a.) conflict with this statement, while

        b.) ALSO be in violation of Canonical's trademark license?
        Simple. We as Kubuntu (which has always been a community developed distro) decided to provide the 5 year LTS support, as we always have in the past. The sole issue is trademark, the actual name. That's all at this point. No one wants to change the name, or plans to if it isn't necessary.

        Nice piece of evasion there David. In fact 5 days ago you gave the undertaking to provide more information on Blue System's background to the community. If I am indeed to take you at face value, and presume you too know very little of Blue Systems like the rest of us, then please explain how you could possibly be in a position to know just how this deal could effect the Kubuntu Project in the future?

        Maybe explain all the secrecy David, after all it is you who quips on your blog, "In a world of change, being open is key".
        You could ask him for more info

        Can I boil this down perhaps?
        A) Kubuntu will have the same status as Xubuntu, et al: we get to use Launchpad, etc, and have our images hosted.
        B) Blue Systems is paying for 2 people to work on Kubuntu just like many companies do for various F/OSS projects: no strings attached.
        C) Canonical has to give permission allowing a third party to sell a service that uses its trademarks. As a community developed project, a name change could solve this issue - assuming it was indeed needed.

        My gut is telling me that we should wait until both Jonathan and Aurélien have left their current employment, maybe we can get more info then.

        You are not the only one wondering about Blue Systems, though. I did note the addition of "more to come..." on their website. I am not on the council, but am a Kubuntu team member, and know David and Jonathan. My gut is telling me he doesn't have any new info that has not already been given.
        Last edited by claydoh; Apr 24, 2012, 02:33 PM.


          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          Paying salary for 2 developers is pretty enticing
          ^ Absolutely great news, to be sure!

          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          My gut is telling me that we should wait until both Jonathan and Aurélien have left their current employment, maybe we can get more info then.
          Completely my thoughts as well. You don't come 100% clean on your goals, visions, and expectations of a new employer whilst still on your old employer's payroll. So I expect a lot more to come out in May/June timeframe.

          Exciting indeed!
          ​"Keep it between the ditches"
          K*Digest Blog
          K*Digest on Twitter


            spurious post.



              Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
              Concerns, straight-up:

              Just what about Blue System's proposal was so enticing that it swayed the decision in Blue Systems favour so quickly?
              Remember J.R was, let's just say, 'resigned' to continue working on Unity and said at the time he fully understood and accepted the reasons behind Canonical's decision.

              Did I miss something?
              Sort of. Jonathan, as an employee of Canonical understood where Canonical was coming from on a business model. Because of this he was going to be transferred internally as an employee. Blue Systems offered him a job to continue to work on Kubuntu and KDE full time.

              If the above quote of David Wonderly's is in fact true, then he is at odds with his own statements. I what to know what sort of vision could;

              a.) conflict with this statement, while

              b.) ALSO be in violation of Canonical's trademark license?
              There are a few things. As was mentioned above, there are commercial support contracts, swag, anything OEM related. These are forbidden in the TM Policy that Canonical/Ubuntu has. (

              Nice piece of evasion there David. In fact 5 days ago you gave the undertaking to provide more information on Blue System's background to the community. If I am indeed to take you at face value, and presume you too know very little of Blue Systems like the rest of us, then please explain how you could possibly be in a position to know just how this deal could effect the Kubuntu Project in the future?

              Maybe explain all the secrecy David, after all it is you who quips on your blog, "In a world of change, being open is key".
              I will admit. I do not know much about Blue Systems that I have not shared. I am going to be having a meeting with the head of Blue Systems in the next few days to address some of the concerns that many people have expressed. Once that is finished, I will be updating everyone with the information that I know.

              To address the question on how I could be in the position to know how the deal will effect is from the release that Jonathan wrote for the news section on Kubuntu's website.

              Blue Systems sponsors a number of KDE projects and will encourage Kubuntu to follow the same successful formula as it has always had - community led, KDE focused, Ubuntu flavour.

              It is my desire to keep the community informed about things as I get the information or, we know new things. Being more from a community background this is something I find important. I am sorry if it came across that I was holding back on what I know.

              Once I get more information, I will ensure that it is not only posted on my blog but, forwarded to the kubuntu-users ML and I will make sure I update the Forums here with that information.

              As always, if you have further questions please, feel free to contact me.


              David Wonderly

              David Wonderly

              IRC: Darkwing #kubuntu-offtopic @ FreeNode
              Twitter: @dwonderly


                It is a pleasure to have a Kubuntu Team Member (Kubuntu Council) as one of our newest Kubuntu Forum members. Welcome David. I hope that you find us worthy.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  I reiterate Snowhog's comment.

                  The "average users" who are not "into the way of working of the inner group" don't really understand what time constraints act upon those people.

                  A post once in a while by any people in the aforementioned "people" seems, usually, to help the average user to feel that the dots are being connected and that their concerns are being addressed.

                  Just comments from my thirty plus years of successful teaching experience.



                    Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                    I reiterate Snowhog's comment.

                    The "average users" who are not "into the way of working of the inner group" don't really understand what time constraints act upon those people.

                    A post once in a while by any people in the aforementioned "people" seems, usually, to help the average user to feel that the dots are being connected and that their concerns are being addressed.

                    Just comments from my thirty plus years of successful teaching experience.


                    Thanks woodsmoke. I feel that there has been a bit of a disconnect in this area. I apologize that it has taken this long for me to do this. I hope that I can be not only a voice out to the "average users" but also to bring the questions and concerns of the users back to the developers.

                    I know that with the major changes this seems a bit trivial however, it is my desire to answer each question that is passed my direction and to bring your concerns, wants and wishes back to the council and to the developers at large.

                    It is a pleasure to have a Kubuntu Team Member (Kubuntu Council) as one of our newest Kubuntu Forum members. Welcome David. I hope that you find us worthy.
                    You are the reason we are all here. If it wasn't for you guys, Kubuntu would be a dead project. I just hope that you find myself worthy.


                    Last edited by Darkwing; Apr 24, 2012, 10:54 PM. Reason: added more to the comment.

                    David Wonderly

                    IRC: Darkwing #kubuntu-offtopic @ FreeNode
                    Twitter: @dwonderly


                      Originally posted by Darkwing View Post
                      I know that with the major changes this seems a bit trivial however, it is my desire to answer each question that is passed my direction and to bring your concerns, wants and wishes back to the council and to the developers at large.
                      I will speak for many who have expressed this, that doing this - bringing the observations/concerns/recommendations of the 'average Kubuntu user' - to those who have the power/authority to act (as appropriate) is something that has been earnestly wished for.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Welcome to KFN, David!

                        For any who are not familiar with Darkwing, allow me to say that he is the dictionary example of a Kubuntu volunteer.

                        I am really excited about Kubuntu and the direction it is moving in!
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                          It is a pleasure to have a Kubuntu Team Member (Kubuntu Council) as one of our newest Kubuntu Forum members.
                          Seconded, or thirded, or whatever we're up to. Thank you David.
                          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                            Excited is a word I don't often use but here it seems proportional!
                            Last edited by Teunis; Apr 25, 2012, 04:36 PM. Reason: Followed GreyGeek's advice


                              Originally posted by Teunis View Post
                              Exited is a word I don't often use but here it seems proportional!
                              Don't leave! Come back!
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

