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The real "state" of the U.S. in a Viagra advert.

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    The real "state" of the U.S. in a Viagra advert.

    You've probably seen it.

    The advert is in Black and White, a macho man driving a macho vintage car in the desert, and the car starts overheating.

    He is a "take charge" kind of man.... a man like YOU.....the advert tells you so.

    He stops and gets a bottle of water from a dispensing box and pours the water in the radiator and drives off.


    THE THING.......that now indicates a REAL .......TAKE in the U.S. is a guy that knows enough to put water in a car's empty radiator.

    give me a BREAK!!!

    just my thoughts....


    Huh ... Consider that many young people (under 30) are atill living with mommy & daddy ... that they have no clue how to operate a spade shovel or a lawnmower or a rake or a hammer ...

    Now the guy in THAT ad, he's older, "our age," and he SHOULD damned near know how to rebuild the engine! Not quite, of course, but he should carry his hard-and-independent upbringing with him from the 1950's.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      @Mr. Woodsmoke

      Why are you upset with a (stupid) commercial?


      Try to repair the engine of a recent BMW(bloody hell)!
      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        I'm not upset with the commercial per-se, but that the company thinks that the "virile male" of the U.S. would even give a passing consideration.

        P'raps those who think that every single person in the U.S. is a blooming idiot are correct.



          Speaking of which, I've noticed a definite uptick in the PSA commercials on the radio these days.

          Don't leave your baby in the heat of the car
          make sure your burgers are grilled throughly
          how to call the IRS for an extension
          Car seats save lives!

          Are Americans really becoming this stupid?


            considering the number of people that DO leave their kids, and pets, in a hot car every summer, maybe yes!

            But, it could be that they don't have adverts to fill the slots, and are using them to fill what would otherwise be dead air.



              Originally posted by ScottyK View Post
              Are Americans really becoming this stupid?
              People have and will always make mistakes but I think this is more of a case of those in government thinking they need to lead or act in every area of our lives, including that which is considered personal.

              Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
              How do I know this personally? Please read here:
              PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                Here in Australia the situation is really no different.

                'Parenting' governments who always claim to have a mandate from the people and a social duty to act, or be branded as irresponsible by opposition parties.
                For example, a portion of our Indigenous people on welfare in regional areas have their support payments 'quarantined' with their spending dictated in terms of what, when and where they may buy.
                This is known as 'the intervention', with such social labelling designed to desensatize the people from it's discriminitory underpinnings and hide the policy failings of the past .

                Or take "The Plain-Packaging Debate", our governments attempt to deny lawful tobacco companies their right to intellectual-advertising property. No doubt after the dust settles from the pending High Court challenge, Australian taxpayers will be left to foot the bill for their compensation. Australian taxpayers will be levied to foot this bill while our 3 tiers of government (for < 23 million) will continue to rake in the revenue generated from it's tobacco tax. And let's not get started on the 'Global Carbon Reduction Scheme'.

                No I don't believe in the collective stupidity of citizens. Anywhere. The political manufacturing industry however, is experiencing never before seen growth.
                Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

                "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


                  Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
                  Here in Australia the situation is really no different.
                  Well, except your party hacks can just toss out an elected and reasonably well-liked prime minister and replace him with some vindictive, backstabing vixen!


                    Flash Robs and other U.S. deterioration

                    I had "heard" about them but didn't know that they are this rampant...

                    the article is also about other things.



