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Windows "Live Tiles".

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    Windows "Live Tiles".

    A new set of adverts appeared on TBS Big Bang Reruns.

    Well, no matter how much the Linux people may have derided the Win 7 smart phone "tiles" as being deriviative and "kludzy" may be that they actually have a workable system that could make a comeback.

    Imagine standing in line with coffee in one hand and the phone in the other and being able to "thumb slide" the home screen with the thumb.

    that is two steps less and hitting larger "buttons" than with the android.

    There is a video.


    I thumb slide my android phone all the time. Only difference is it is horizontal instead of vertical like the windows phone. After watching the video, I don't see anything special it is doing, other than the large buttons.


      Dunno, I do it also, just seemed a possible "ergonomic thing" going up and down as opposed to sidewise and the larger tiles, it will be interesting to watch.



        My iPad 2G Touch does the same thing if I don't store apps in boxes, except that the scroll is horizontal.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Something else occurred to me.

          Young people are notorious for being so vain, it would NEVER to happen to someone of my august personage, that they will not wear glasses so that they will look good and it occured to me....

          That has to be part of the reason why people have their faces so close to the phone when texting.

          One of the big points in the presentation was the very LARGE icons so that one could easily see the image of the BFF.

          So.....that would automatically pick up near sighted people who won't wear glasses.



            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            One of the big points in the presentation was the very LARGE icons so that one could easily see the image of the BFF.

            So.....that would automatically pick up near sighted people who won't wear glasses.

            So one would think, until one encounters all the complaints about the text being fuzzy and difficult to read even though the icon size is large.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              lol, true!


                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                That has to be part of the reason why people have their faces so close to the phone when texting.
                My eyes are shot to hell and getting worse. Combine this with the fact that pixels keep getting smaller and smaller.

                You know what? I can't wait for the day when I can jack my phone directly into my contact lenses. Wait, we've already talked about that! Oh, and speaking of distraction-by-gadget...


                  Mine too!

                  LOL on that guy texting while walking toward the bear.

                  But, I used to read a lot when I was a kid and one day I was walking down the street reading a book, really absorbed into it. The next thing I remember is that I am laying flat on my back looking up at the sky, wondering what happened and how I got there. I had a knot on my forehead. At my feet was a light pole.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

