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This, Ahem, "Objective" article pulls out all the MS Anti-Linux talking points

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    This, Ahem, "Objective" article pulls out all the MS Anti-Linux talking points

    Difference engine: Free is too expensive

    All the FUD from the last 4 years rolled into one anti-Linux article. And it reeeeeeeeeeks of MS (Even manages to get a dig at Apple in there as well, lol)

    Here was my comment / response:

    "One criticism your correspondent has, though, is that when upgrading to a later version, Linux Mint requires users to do a complete re-installation, rather than a rolling incremental update."

    Of course - because we all know MS Windows is a rolling release that one could have installed from Win 98 and rolled right along on that old box that you say happily ran Linux for years. Oh yea, and Windows 7/8 would run great on that old hardware, right?

    This article tries to hide the fact that it was written by a Microsoft Fan Boy or employee. All the Microsoft fun shown here is more-or-less re-worded straight out of their play book from when they were training Best Buy employees to spread FUD about Linux back in 2009.

    I do not believe for one second this author ran a Linux server. There's so much reek of Microsoft here in this article it's not even tollerable.

    "Like Apple with its OS X operating system for Macintosh computers, Ubuntu has embraced the “we know best” approach to desktop design, offering users less and less freedom to change the interface's look and feel. "

    Yes, yes. Because Microsoft knows best and all of their "innovations" (Ribbon, anyone? Oh and does anyone even use Windows Mobile?) set it up heads and shoulders above the competition.

    "...That said, even the latest KDE distributions are proving just as annoying to set up as Gnome versions."

    Examples? I thought not.

    I've waisted enough time here already. The people you're trying to convince how bad Linux is don't even know what it is. Maybe your article will appeal to those who tried Linux once, 5 years ago, and found it too hard to use. Anyone else who actually uses desktop Linux will see through this "talking points" -derived article.
    If the article was REMOTELY subjective, I could let it slide. But it reeks of incencerity, FUD, and, frankly, that of having been written by a MS shill.

    That's my 2. What's yours?
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    Originally posted by dequire View Post
    That's my 2. What's yours?
    I thought there was at least an element of truth in this statement...

    "Your correspondent blames the rapid upgrade cycle for leaving too many features with rough edges, too many wonky drivers and utilities, and too many unchecked regressions (bugs caused by changes) in the kernel. All that Linux developers seem to want to do these days is add cool new features, rather than squish existing bugs and make the software more useable."

    The overall bugginess in Linux needs to be tackled and straightened out before, in my opinion, it can really succeed as a mainstream OS and a serious competitor to Windows. :-|

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      Because of my interest in computers, people are always telling me about their problems - and they run MS-Windows. I try not to get too involved, unless I feel that I can do something really beneficial, and generally suggest that they go to the local Microsoft certified shop whom I fully trust to be expert and do a professional job. However I am quite surprised at how often they complain that their data was lost in the process. We all know that this is not inherent to neither open source nor MS, but it is nevertheless a reality for real people in the real world, and probably arises from the fact that to do the best job costs more than the $150 they are willing to pay.

      When the author suggests that there are plenty of Windows maintenance people, he doesn't mention that they charge money. He also doesn't mention that if you want a really good job done, they charge really good money. This situation is not in the least OS based.


        Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
        I thought there was at least an element of truth in this statement...

        "Your correspondent blames the rapid upgrade cycle for leaving too many features with rough edges, too many wonky drivers and utilities, and too many unchecked regressions (bugs caused by changes) in the kernel. All that Linux developers seem to want to do these days is add cool new features, rather than squish existing bugs and make the software more useable."

        The overall bugginess in Linux needs to be tackled and straightened out before, in my opinion, it can really succeed as a mainstream OS and a serious competitor to Windows. :-|

        This is exactly why 12.04 is a 5-year supprt release. We are seeing the desktop finally stabilizing enough to be a real desktop OS! in theory, keep in mind that all releases between the LTS releases are not meant for corporate / business use. 12.04 with KDE 4.8+ (in my opinion) will be the 1st KDE release worthy of a LTS title.
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          Originally posted by Ole Juul View Post
          When the author suggests that there are plenty of Windows maintenance people, he doesn't mention that they charge money. He also doesn't mention that if you want a really good job done, they charge really good money. This situation is not in the least OS based.
          Very good point
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            Originally posted by dequire View Post
            We are seeing the desktop finally stabilizing enough to be a real desktop OS! in theory, keep in mind that all releases between the LTS releases are not meant for corporate / business use.
            I fully agree. Linux has grown and improved tremendously since I was first introduced to Red Hat in 2001.

            Originally posted by dequire View Post
            12.04 with KDE 4.8+ (in my opinion) will be the 1st KDE release worthy of a LTS title.
            I hope so. Time will tell, though.

            Last edited by ardvark71; Mar 30, 2012, 09:36 PM. Reason: Corrections
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              Originally posted by dequire View Post
              ... We are seeing the desktop finally stabilizing enough to be a real desktop OS...
              I was using KDE in SuSE 8 years ago in a government office to code in-house client-server applications using Qt. In fact, since I began using KDE 1.0 beta on SuSE 5.3 in September of 1998 the KDE desktop has always been better than the current version of Windows at the time. KDE 4.4 is better than Win7 and beyond a doubt KDE 4.8 is better that the Win8 beta guest OS I have.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Your comment stripped out part of the URL for the Best Buy story, here's the full URL..



                  Originally posted by ScottyK View Post
                  Your comment stripped out part of the URL for the Best Buy story, here's the full URL..

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                    Anyone remember the "Get the Facts" campaign from 2006/2007?


                      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                      Anyone remember the "Get the Facts" campaign from 2006/2007?
                      I do, and it was rather funny. They must have felt very threatened to come up with that approach. What I'm dubious about is if there was a positive effect from using such an immature approach - but perhaps I'm overestimating the target audience.


                        When there were no more facts remaining to purchase, it got shut down.


                          Oh, yaaa!

                          I was a LinuxToday regular back then. The most INFAMOUS "Get The Facts" was a claim by Microsoft that the London Stockmarket Exchange had done a "thorough" comparison of technologies available at the time and chose .NET over Linux to replace their aging trading system. Their ad had a graphic of a faux newspaper called "The Highly Reliable Times".

                          It turns out that they outright lied about it. The LSE had hired a CTO who knew only Windows and had specified a Windows system from the start. There were NO comparisons.

                          MS canceled that campaign in August of 2007. The next year the London Stockmarket Exchange experienced its SECOND fall over, which put the .NET "solution" off line for the entire day and cost the LSE over $1 Billion dollars. It never achieved its promised transaction time of under 2 millisecond, and had trouble getting under 5 milliseconds. The Linux firm, now called "Millennium Exchange", which the LSE purchased, lock, stock and barrel, had been running for FIVE years before the LSE crash, and had, IIRC, a sub millisecond transaction time. A couple years ago they logged a transaction time of 126 MICROseconds, or 0.126 milliseconds.

                          The Wikipedia has this info:

                          The LSE's current trading platform is its own Linux-based edition named "Millenium Exchange".

                          The old trading platform was based on Microsoft's .NET Framework, was developed by Microsoft and Accenture. Microsoft used the LSE software as an example of the supposed superiority of Windows over Linux in the "Get the Facts" campaign, claiming that the LSE system provided "five nines" reliability. For Microsoft, LSE was a good combination of a highly visible exchange and yet a relatively modest IT problem.

                          After suffering extended downtime and unreliability the LSE announced in 2009 that it was planning to switch to Linux in 2010.

                          In October 2010, the London Stock Exchange announced that the new Linux based trading system named Millennium Exchange, had smashed the world record for trade speed, with 126 microsecond trading times being recorded on the Turquoise dark pool trading venue and would go live on 1 November. The system, which was developed by MillenniumIT, a Sri Lankan IT company bought by the LSE in 2009, was taken out of service following a 2-hour outage of the Turquoise venue on 2 November. The incident was according to LSE officials caused by human error that "may have occurred in suspicious circumstances."

                          Plans were to introduce Millennium Exchange also on the main share trading platform in December. The LSE stated it was hoping the software would be ready for use again early in 2011.

                          In February 2011, the London Stock Exchange finished the switch to Linux. LSE chief executive Xavier Rolet insisted that the exchange, once a monopoly, would deliver record speed and stable trading in order to fight back against the fast erosion of its dominant marketshare by specialist electronic rivals.
                          The Wikipedia says this about Microsoft:
                          As part of the "Get the Facts" campaign Microsoft highlighted the .NET trading platform that it had developed in partnership with Accenture for the London Stock Exchange, claiming that it provided "five nines" reliability. After suffering extended downtime and unreliability the LSE announced in 2009 that it was planning to drop its Microsoft solution and switch to a Linux based one in 2010.
                          Microsoft has erased all evidence of the :"Highly Reliable Times" campaign from their websites, along with the results of the crash of their trading system.

                          They also began using paid
                          placement of PR filler disguised as news and opinion pieces to spin the debacle against Linux and to their favor. It failed.
                          That campaign was but one of several sleezy PR and marketing schemes employed by Microsoft. Several are documented here
                          Last edited by GreyGeek; Apr 01, 2012, 06:07 PM.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            I found this pretty amusing. I read this on that best buy link.

                            The claims also overstate incompatibility and support on Linux, suggesting that "few" devices are supported, that features like video chat don't work, and that there are no official help solutions for it. Linux does have reduced support but still supports common devices, including through apps that can recognize iPods.

                            Read more:
                            No official help solutions. Let me tell you, i have never been able to get support easily with anything windows. I even remember once back in the 90's i had a problem with a game joypad and called up numbers and sent emails only to get a "well it probably doesnt work with your system" response.

                            when i first came to kubuntu i had some serious issues, sound, networking, you name it. Good ol irc from the application launcher got me in touch with help in seconds and has never failed when im stumped. Sure it may not be official support but its there 24'7 and the kubuntu/linux community ALWAYS has a helpful vet willing to point you in the right direction. I even remember once i was trying to install a specific application to use japanese characters on an english computer and i had it all figured out in minutes thanks to a guy in #espanol on freenode. good luck getting that kind of support in windows.


                              Originally posted by _Infupt
                              I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.

                              Who's mistaken and why?

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