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A new "express hotel"/bar in town

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    A new "express hotel"/bar in town

    There is one of those new "express hotel/motels" in town that has the buzz of having a very good bar.

    So a couple of us decided to go and check it out.

    It was ok, noting special, the usual collection of "rich hardwoods" with "rich corinthian leather(read naugahyde)" lotsa tellys with sports etc.

    So we belly up and order and are checking the place out and down midway along the bar is this guy who is obviously drunk swilling beer. He's kinda "big", in terms of broad shoulders, muscular, etc. and we both decide it might be best to avoid making eyecontact in case he was also belligerent.

    During this a really good looking "business woman" type, "suit dress" expensive hairdo all that comes in and is sits on the other end, a few seats away from him, and my buddy is complaining that we should have sat on "that" end but, that's beside the story.

    The drunk very loudly says he wants another of those "Magical Mystery beers".

    The barkeep brings it, he douses it down, straightens his suit jacket and proceeds to....

    fly around the inside of the bar! woah! I mean he bumps into the ceiling a coupla times but he makes it back to his seat and orders another one of those "Magical Mystery beers".

    Repeat of before, he is up flying around the inside of the bar, bumps the ceiling and walls and doesn't quite make a three point landing back at his stool.

    He puts his finger up to the barkeep and starts to say something, only the woman gets up walks over, and says...."Ill buy his next beer" and asks him "What is that beer?" and he says "It's a "Magical Mystery beer"!"

    So she says she likes what that beer can do and tells the barkeep she wants one also.

    He souses his, and flies around the bar again while she is steadily downing hers.

    He lands and she goes running around the bar flapping her arms but isn't flying, so she goes to the elevator and pushes the up button.

    She goes up in the elevator and the indicator is a saying tenth floor.

    The barkeep says "Uh oh".

    A few seconds later I see her flying past the window in the mirror behind the mirror and we all hear a "eeeeeeehhhh!" and a very distinct squishy thud when she hits the pavement out front.

    We all go over and look out and it is indeed her on the pavement deader than a doornail.

    The drunk says "This is not a good thing."

    We all go back to or seats or stools while one of the waiters is calling the police/ambulance and the barkeep is standing kind of leaning on the bar in front of the drunk who has regained his seat and says:

    "Ya know..... when you get drunk you can be a reall ass Superman!"


    heheh. Funny. Really funny!
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