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Linux sniping article actually shows opposite and truth

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    Linux sniping article actually shows opposite and truth

    This is a "reply" post to people who jumped the guy's bones about his original post in which he said that Linux on the desktop "is dead".


    The one line that i find hilarious is that he says way down at the bottom of the article, in newspaper writing technique, this is where the writer puts stuff that he either does not want people to read or just thinks they won't ger there.

    But he says that Linux is a "one percenter" distro in that it "just" increased from .85 percent(decimal 85) to 1.56 in FIFTEEN MONTHS

    ok,,,, a system that is not in stores, that has to be either downloaded or special ordered on a computer went from .85 to 1.56 in fifteen months.

    I wonder how long it took the original Win 3.1 to go from X to Y in fifteen months).


    OH YES........... HE is EXTREMELY dismissive of "fourms".

    Maybe my comment that we should eschew the use of the term "newbie" might be put into the context of him being able to....with justification......badmouth forums.

    We have all seen those forums and most are not like that......but think of the "etch-a-sketch" soundbyte......that is going to haunt Romney through the election

    Newbie is not a 'nice" term.....and if we can say "person" instead of "he" or 'she" or postperson instead of postman, mabye we can use "new to Linux" so the "person" in that article will have one less thing to snipe about.... is said article"


    Hi Woodsmoke...

    I would have to disagree with Mr, Bradley, I don't see Linux on the desktop as being dead but it does need a lot more work....bugs and stability being one of the major issues it faces. At this point, as far as PC's are concerned, it's the only serious competitor to Windows that I see out there.

    On the other hand, another issue that he brings up is, I think, quite valid:

    "If you try to seek out help on Linux forums, good luck. There are many Linux users who are patient with newer users, and generous with their time and knowledge. Unfortunately, they’re outnumbered five to one by indignant, self-righteous jerks who’d rather belittle you for not being a Linux guru."

    I think this is, at least, a somewhat accurate assessment, although I don't think the ratio is as steep as he suggests, depending on the individual forum. My point is that before Linux can truly become a "mainstream" OS, the primary means of support, which is through forums such as this one, is going to have to change to include free or low cost professional one-on-one support by phone. This includes the OS itself and the major applications, like LibreOffice, that many people use.

    And what is going to have to take a hike in a serious, concerted way are the attitudes and haughtiness I've seen among Linux users throughout the years. The vast majority of consumers aren't going to take that kind of behavior and nor should they. :mad:

    The professionalism I've seen at KFN has not only been highly appreciated but I think a model for others as well.

    Last edited by ardvark71; Mar 28, 2012, 10:34 AM. Reason: Additions
    Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
    How do I know this personally? Please read here:
    PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


      Can a Microsoft MVP(evangelist) see or write about the subject in any other way?
      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
        Hi Woodsmoke...

        On the other hand, another issue that he brings up is, I think, quite valid:

        "If you try to seek out help on Linux forums, good luck. There are many Linux users who are patient with newer users, and generous with their time and knowledge. Unfortunately, they’re outnumbered five to one by indignant, self-righteous jerks who’d rather belittle you for not being a Linux guru."

        I think this is, at least, a somewhat accurate assessment, although I don't think the ratio is as steep as he suggests, depending on the individual forum. My point is that before Linux can truly become a "mainstream" OS, the primary means of support, which is through forums such as this one, is going to have to change to include free or low cost professional one-on-one support by phone. This includes the OS itself and the major applications, like LibreOffice, that many people use.

        And what is going to have to take a hike in a serious, concerted way are the attitudes and haughtiness I've seen among Linux users throughout the years. The vast majority of consumers aren't going to take that kind of behavior and nor should they. :mad:

        The professionalism I've seen at KFN has not only been highly appreciated but I think a model for others as well.


        I would agree with your observation and his. The problem I see, though, is that "free as in beer" Microsoft support sites are just as snooty with Microsoft snobs as are Linux boards. On the other hand, for pay support tends to be much better. So, I guess what I am saying is that I don't see the snootiness vs helpful forum members being a valid argument against Linux.

        That said, I agree 100% that KFN has a professionalism and spirit of cooperation that is rarely found regardless of the OS.


          Originally posted by vw72 View Post
          The problem I see, though, is that "free as in beer" Microsoft support sites are just as snooty with Microsoft snobs as are Linux boards.
          Hi vw...

          While I have not participated in a Windows OS forum, I have no doubts of this.

          In this case, I just meant that a customer who is looking to Linux as a potential OS solution is not going to be attracted (and most likely put off) by the behavior Mr. Bradley speaks of.

          Last edited by ardvark71; Mar 28, 2012, 11:55 AM. Reason: Corrections
          Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
          How do I know this personally? Please read here:
          PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


            Originally posted by rms View Post
            Can a Microsoft MVP(evangelist) see or write about the subject in any other way?
            Some. But they will be punished, in one manner or another.


              In my experience the behaviour on the Ubuntu and especially this forum is fine.
              For contrast have a look at the flamefests on alt.os.linux.ubuntu :eek:


                yes alt....

                unfortunately people will go to craigslist linux and get their experience there before going to a forum.



                  "Craigslist Linux"? I can only imagine what kind of distro that might be


                    People are pretty much the same the world over, regardless of ethnicity, color or philosophy.

                    People can choose to be what they want to be, and they are responsible for their choices.

                    A wise person once said, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

                    Even if a person does not treat you with respect you can continue to reciprocate with respect. That is, I believe, the fundamental philosophy of this forum.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
                      On the other hand, another issue that he brings up is, I think, quite valid:

                      "If you try to seek out help on Linux forums, good luck. There are many Linux users who are patient with newer users, and generous with their time and knowledge. Unfortunately, they’re outnumbered five to one by indignant, self-righteous jerks who’d rather belittle you for not being a Linux guru."
                      I'm not sure that the writer's reputation is well served by admitting his lack of discernment - much less by assuming a similar disability in others.

                      That the world includes the less-than-helpful forum users to whom he refers is hardly news. Assuming that a user would chose those forums, or people on them, as a source of good advice is going a bit far in my opinion.

