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The smell of a "technical evangelist"

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    The smell of a "technical evangelist"

    During the Comes vs Microsoft trial several Microsoft emails and training documents were released to the public. They revealed that Microsoft employed James Plamondon to create a team of "Technical Evangelists" to stuff panels, slog the Internet, corrupt Open Source documentation, stuff the ISO committee, and many, many other sordid and/or illegal acts.

    Now comes Harold J Johnson, professed "Gnomie", to explain why he can't "sell" Linux any longer.

    Johnnson gives his credentials as:

    In the past I've worked QA, tech support and related roles at web-based businesses and over the years I've gathered experience working on multiple platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux, mainly). A few years ago I began studying web development in earnest...

    How many years have you been doing web development?

    Haven't yet to put my skills into programming practice in a professional environment; I'm nearing completion of a web programming certificate through a college and I figure it's time for me to being networking (and WORKING) with other web developers.

    Are you a professional developer?

    Not yet.

    On what platform do you develop?

    I've only developed academic applications as exercises for college (nothing professional yet), jumping from Windows to Mac to Linux platforms. Played with Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, C#/mono, C++, and am currently learning C (mainly using Xcode for this)."

    He claims "I’ve been a proponent of Linux since about 2005 or so,...". Has he? He claims he put Linux on an old PowerBook G3, with much difficulty. But, "A year or two later the virtual lack of support for my old Mac simply drove me to frustration and I found myself with a newer Mac running OS X. Linux soon became a fondly frustrating memory." So, by 2007 (or so) his use of Linux is a frustrating memory ... FIVE YEARS AGO. And he now calls himself a "Gnomie"?

    That he is a good writer is not in doubt.

    The question is, "who is he really working for?"
    Google is greedy ... start using Bing ...
    ... clone XP 3 ways in 2012 ...
    ... use Windows Phone ... in order to benefit and succeed in our own enterprises.

    and now, with this article, we are supposed to believe that the reason why Linux can't "sell" on the desktop is because it doesn't spend millions on advertising? And that Linux users may be a "cult"?

    And the article then treats us to a video showing grandpa running Win8 for the first time.

    In case you harbor any hopes about Johnson being a real Linux user he puts such hopes to rest stating "I prefer using Windows as my daily desktop operating system." ... and always has, no doubt.

    After having plunged the knife in the back of Linux several times, he gives it a gentle twist by ending his story with the Mafia kiss of death (death by faint praise):
    "Linux is nearly there in the mobile and embedded landscapes, but perhaps Google’s efforts will succeed in helping Linux rise and take over the world as well. Will there be any humans left to care? Only time will tell."

    Saying "nearly there" would leave the clueless reader to assume that Linux isn't doing well in the mobile market when, in fact, as the base of Android it is over 40% of the smartphone market (WinPhone is less than 2%), and his Linux put down concludes by mocking Linux with the suggestion that even with Google's help (Android) there probably won't be any humans left to care by the time Linux over takes Windows.

    A Microsoftie wearing a tux suit he is. I'm now wondering if his employer is indeed Microsoft, and he is just another one of its "technical evangelists"? I believe he is. Will he man up and admit it?
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Mar 21, 2012, 07:36 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    You can find even more hilarious articles on zdnet from their *linux gurus*.
    m$ evangelists, employed or hired, are everywhere.
    Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


      Hi all...

      I personally thought the article raised some good points.

      Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
      How do I know this personally? Please read here:
      PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


        Posted by Harold J. Johnson on Mar 20, 2012
        Today I’m typing this article from that same laptop running Vista.
        Is Mr. Johnson unaware that even Microsoft admits Vista was something of a mistake, and in every way possible, Windows 7 is better?

        Why would anyone want to use Linux as their everyday desktop (or laptop) operating system?
        Because I freakin' want to! Seriously, why do people exhaust so much effort writing stuff like what we read in that article.


          There are always people who are more than willing to:

          a) let everyone know that they are smarter than everyone else, after all they say so, so it must BE so!
          b) tell every one else what to do.



            This is the one I have particularly in mind.

            Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


              And....I just luuuuve the shades!


