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How are folks liking/not liking this whole "cross pollination" thing between social a

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    How are folks liking/not liking this whole "cross pollination" thing between social a

    Since I don't do "social stuff" that much, it was kind of on the "back burner" for me but the last week something really irritating happened.

    I have absolutely no clue about how it happened, but, apparently, there is some post, or some app or something, some place wherein my "Yahoo account(which is my "public" account) got cross-indexed with my "private" g-mail account.

    What happens is that when I get an e-mail in the private account, it also appears in the Yahoo account and is particularly annoying in that now I get two notices on the Android and have to deal with responding to one and deleting the other.

    I've searched through all the stuff I can find and can't find how they were either "inadvertently" "cross indexed" by me or purposely by one of them.

    Fortunately it doesn't work the other way or I would have to delete one or the other of the accounts.

    But, It does illustrate, if it is not "my fault" and is the "cross pollination" capabliites of one of them just how far this is going.

    Does anyone else have a similar story?


    I can't believe this happens 'off site', like not on something owned and run by you personally.
    Yahoo is in the process of being assimilated by MS, not exactly a reason to believe they do anything fruit-bearing (pollination) with Google.

    So I suggest you carefully check your clients for an erroneous Forward or the likes.
    A careful examination of the headers might show the path, even if only by time stamp.


      ok never thought oh that



