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Mary Queen of Scotland, mods remove at your pleasure

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    Mary Queen of Scotland, mods remove at your pleasure


    For my good friends in the Britannic Isles....if you disagree with this I QUITE understand....

    The "point" of the post is not "all the stuff about Mary Queen of Scotland" but that: a) she inspired such desire to do something b) that she was, apparently, tolerant of "both sides"...

    but, she never got to try to bring the "both sides" together....


    the post

    Mary, Queen of Scotland....

    We at least had FDR....who knew the travail of the wheelchair....

    We at least had Eisenhower.......who lead a whole world against tyranny....

    We at least had Kennedy..who had ACTUALLY served on a PT boat AND had the approbation of his crew, and had a vision that he grew up with from generations past.......

    We at least had Reagan who had played the heroic parts so well that, through discussion with his beloved Nancy... he came to a "conclusion" about "how the world works" that just about anybody that did not have a "cob up their .... #$%" would admit at least tried to go for "the country".....

    We at least had Clinton who knew what it was to "sit on the Lick Log". However, the definition as Clinton probably meant it was SEE the lower part of the definiton about "older lawyers".

    We at least had Bush II who could fly a fighter jet, land it on an aircraft carrier deck and walk away from it in a manner that no Starbuck's liberal could even imagine....AAAANNNDDDD

    was reading to an elementary class when he was told of "9-11" and SWALLOWED HARD.....and continued reading and later said...something to the effect of...."we are going after the people who did this.... and we WILL get them" (one HAS to credit Pres. Obama for not shirking this task).

    and what the world gets.....just what DOES IT GET?

    What THE WORLD needs is a Mary Queen of Scotland at the helm of the U.S. not as an "hereditary leader" a person ......

    Who could see both sides......she was Catholic but allowed Protestants to go their own way....

    What is needed is not someone with "an agenda".....

    but.... a "States person".

    A person who can rise above the bickering, and the agendas and do what

    THE PEOPLE.....not the agenda groups....but THE PEOPLE...... perceive need to be done.

    What the WORLD a U.S. President who can inspire the PASSION and who has the even handedness of... Mary Queen of Scotland..



    "old lawyer definition of a licklog".

    I have heard several older lawyers use this term in referring to having exhausted all settlement efforts, discovery (the methods lawyers use to find out what the other side's case is about)and other "things" lawyers do before they are ready for trial, leaving only trial/settlement/dismissal/some other 'final' resolution/end to the case. Everything has been done that could/should be done to resolve the matter, now it is time to resolve it. You need to either "spit or swaller", a tabacky term for when your mouth is full.
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Mar 16, 2012, 05:35 AM.

    What you really need is David Cameron.......hang on a minute, he is actually visiting in the States just now.
    Why don't you just keep him.......PLEASE!





        The world gets what it deserves. Ever observed it from that point of view Mr. Woodsmoke? Spend more time in pub.
        Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


          If I spent any more time my elbows would be poking through the sleeves of my green Irish blazer! lol



            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            If I spent any more time my elbows would be poking through the sleeves of my green Irish blazer! lol

            Just as I thought, not enough.
            Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.



