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    ;in my linux class, we are going over package mabagers. the devain stuff was easy for me, but i couldnt remember the rpm stuff. So i installed fedora 16 kde. Its a nice distro. Everything worked rightc off. Good package selwction after you install rpmfusion...

    Sent from my YP-G1 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by jpenguin; Mar 15, 2012, 09:39 AM.
    Registered Linux User 545823

    This is waayyyyyy off the wall but.....

    A guy used to teach an "adult education" class at my college on "Linux programming".....

    He used a Fedora book that was back at COMMAND LINE....

    I ran into a few of his students at different parties and they ALL said.....that.......they never actually got to have an "operational Linux"....but they did "work through the book".

    I kind of wondered about that.... when Fedora was available in a magazine as a weird included cd...

    but.... another party.....this one was a "pool party" whereat the GregMan had built a "projector" from an overhead projector and a laptop screen and ran a Linux....I think that it was Open project.....well.....ummm.....videos.....on a screen which I was conspiratorial to build..... the folks in the pool had consumed WAAAAYYYY too many alcoholic beverages....

    But anyway....I discovered that a fellow standing near me was the "instructor"....

    So....since I am a brash sort of fellow....I asked why he chose to use such an OBVIOUSLY OLD(to any Linux user) book?

    The reply:

    "Yuk, Yuk, Yuk, I got them cheap off e-bay.,....still have a you want one?"

    So...... yep.... fedora is a fine distro, and KDE on it is great...I actually TRIED like the new Unity interface.....but I could never get into the rpm stuff.



      I may have to try Fedora again one of these days. I hope they have any nvidia issues resolved (even with nuoveau) by then (I believe I've mentioned those issues in previous posts in other threads here at KFN). I wonder if they also have a netinstall iso available like the Ubuntu minimal CD. (I'll look myself though)
      The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


        I have ab ATI catd, and the FOSS drivers work fine for me. I think ill stick with kubuntu for my lappy though

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        Registered Linux User 545823

