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Icaros a serious Amiga distribution

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    Icaros a serious Amiga distribution

    One can see just how serious they are by a couple of things:
    a) the SIZE of the .pdf manual
    b) take a looky in the forums and one of the members already has it on a Lenovo tablet.
    c) A new broswer, based on webkit, that works, if the images are to be trusted.
    d) already installs to a usb
    e) although it does not seem to have a repository or applications installer like apt-get( I may be wrong on this) it does have an updater.
    f) already has a live cd

    And it is just in the "submitted" list at DW!

    Although it is not a cli install, it does have a LOT of menu options to the installer so although it is not one of those "geeky" installs, it is not as simple as a *buntu.

    A couple of notes,

    1) the manual says that it works well with PCI
    2) It uses a "system" partition and an "everything else" partition which is set up in the installer. It would be good to read the manual.
    3) It has a "cairodock" like thing going on.
    4) It will dual boot but because of the partitioning, apparently, it can seems that it can be tricky so one should, again, read the manual.
    5) it is so SMALL that they actually encourge one to not install it on a big drive. What is now considered in the class of an older storage drive would work fine.

    For the Amiga lover this is going to be one to install.
