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I continue be intrigued by GnomeDo and also Shuttleworth's HUD

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    I continue be intrigued by GnomeDo and also Shuttleworth's HUD

    I continue to be impressed by the ease with which I can do quite a few things using GnomeDo.

    I "think" that I posted elsewhere that it is possible that Shuttleworths new HUD for tablets is really a "stealth" GnomeDo. I would have done that in Social/Casual I think, but can't find it and also noticed that there are now only four pages of Social/Casual which may be a consequence of "the move" or a pruning done by the mods.

    So, if someone knows about the thread, this can be deleted.

    A tangential idea associated with GnomeDo.

    There was an article on some research done that indicated that it seems that more "computer users" in the U.S. type stuff into Google search rather than mousing for a link, and that European users use the mouse more.

    There was an ever so slight "whiff" to the article that was generally a slight downputting of U.S. that they "typed stuff" instead of being more sophisticated.

    So....moral to the story for Shuttleworth.

    Rather than concentrating on European users for GnomeDo. Concentrate on all those U.S. typists!

    But....GnomeDo continues to surprise me.


    There is a nice "back and forth" at DW about Shuttleworth and his "marketing" talk.

    The "reply" to Shuttleworth's "marketing talk" is promoting the general idea that Shuttleworh is "desperate" and not making money and therefore maybe going bye-bye.

    I would present another take on it for folks to chew up.

    Is it possible that Shuttleworth has watched "Linux get left behind" or "Linux just redoing what MS did"?....and is wanting to get "Linux" out ahead of, or at least on top of, the curve?

    An example might be Open Office. Nobody can argue that MS office was not there first. So, OO is an attempt to "make something that does the same job". And, since, perforce, a word processor is a word processor is a word processor.....OO was "discounted" by the "MS entrenched media" as an "also ran".

    Also, there really is an attitude of ".....oh well.....we can do that tomorrow......" in a lot of Linuxdom.

    And, maybe, just maybe, Shuttleworth thinks that THE NEXT the tablet and really does just want to get there at least somewhat in the same time frame as Windblows, but behind Apple....

    So....dunno.....any comments?



      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
      Also, there really is an attitude of ".....oh well.....we can do that tomorrow......" in a lot of Linuxdom.
      Hi Woodsmoke...

      Linux doesn't have tomorrow. There is a lot to be done with the OS to make it truly competitive with Windows, gain further acceptance among OEM's and hardware and software vendors and hopefully to raise the percentage of users. :neutral:
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        I agree...

        "tomorrow" has snuck up on Linux and is poking it in the ribs....

        But...... I was introduced to this concept back at Xandros.... so many years far away....

        That..... many/most of the "Linux developers" work on Linux because "they want to" not because anyone else wants to USE it, and that kind of attitude has no "sense of urgency".

        And......that "attitude" may be correct..... let Linux go its way and to heck with the world....let it go its way.

        don't know....don't know...



          Not getting involved for the moment in the wider discussion of Linux and tomorrow ...

          GNOME Do is brilliant. As is KRunner and the ilk. Where Shuttleworth pisses me off with the HUD talk is the impression (which may not be intentional ... but I think is) that this is going to be mandatory - that users will have to learn to change from menus to HUD. Gnome-Do is an alternative option and succeeds or fails (gets used or gets dropped) on its own merits - the users decide, not the "SABDFL".
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.





