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Ubuntu user survey 2012

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    Originally posted by Ole Juul View Post
    It did look like they were wanting to shape the results.
    And I shaped my answers. I only do upgrades, and they are troublesome as hell. If they don't hear this, resources might be diverted away from polishing the installer and the upgrade process!


      Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
      It doesnt really apply to Kubuntu though since there is no mention of DE preference. I detest Unity, and so filled out the survey negatively. I love the two Ubuntu spin-offs Ive tried, Kubuntu and Lubuntu, but the survey makes no distinction. Its like having a market research survey for strawberries and asking only on question: "Do you like fruit?"
      You say that Kubuntu and lubuntu are Ubuntu spin offs. To me that sounds like your saying their different to Ubuntu. The only difference with the spin offs you call it is the choice of desktop environment. Everything else under the hood is Ubuntu.


        Originally posted by dequire View Post
        I agree, the questions seemed misleading. I filled it out, but did not submit the survey due to the fact that any results collected from Kubuntu users will be counted and construed as "pro Unity". That's not going to happen with me. In fact, what benefit could there possibly be from a Kubuntu user filling out this survey?
        After this from Mark Shuttleworth himself on the advent of unity.
        I guess it's nothing more than a feel-good exercise with a 'few thoughts' from those who remain and embrace Unity.

        I find it amusing that such a survey is released on the back of this also.

        Originally posted by Ole Juul
        As far as I'm concerned we're both in the FOSS camp, so they're OK with me.
        With me too until I happen to discover this post containing flaming remarks against Kubuntu users and it's community, with condoning contributions coming from two Ubuntu Forum staff no less.

        My written objections to these posts have received no reply. 0

        Nevermind, I am thick enough skinned, but I can not help but think what impression the OP took away...

        On a positive note I wish to commend everyone here at for their friendliness in a smaller but rapidly growing community. Thank you all.
        Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

        "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


          Originally posted by nickstonefan View Post
          You say that Kubuntu and lubuntu are Ubuntu spin offs. To me that sounds like your saying their different to Ubuntu. The only difference with the spin offs you call it is the choice of desktop environment. Everything else under the hood is Ubuntu.
          Yes, this is very true. The only real differences are the DE and default applications. This is why the survey is confusing to me. I like whats under the hood, but I hate Unity, the default DE for Ubuntu. So if they ask me a simple question like :"Do you like Ubuntu?" how am I supposed to answer this? Default Ubuntu is horrendous, so I answered the survey negatively.


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            So if they ask me a simple question like :"Do you like Ubuntu?" how am I supposed to answer this? Default Ubuntu is horrendous, so I answered the survey negatively.
            Me too, for the same reason.
            Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


              Originally posted by nickstonefan View Post
              You say that Kubuntu and lubuntu are Ubuntu spin offs. To me that sounds like your saying their different to Ubuntu. The only difference with the spin offs you call it is the choice of desktop environment. Everything else under the hood is Ubuntu.
              Yes but. I think you're being overly subtle here, or splitting hairs, or perhaps failing to split hairs that need to be split.

              If you go to what are you led to? If you go to what branding do you see? Ubuntu - with Unity - with orange branding. The Ubuntu default desktop is Unity and "Ubuntu" without qualification is the desktop, not the base it's built on. When Canonical pumps up what it's doing it's talking about Unity (even on Android). The stuff under the hood - the repositories, Launchpad, the PPA system, the Server edition - are common and valuable to all the variants but you can't deny that Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Mythbuntu etc really are variants and the official base "Ubuntu" comes with Unity. You can't describe Ubuntu or Canonical as being DE-agnostic!
              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

