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Ubuntu user survey 2012

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    Ubuntu user survey 2012

    Have you taken the Ubuntu user forum 2012?

    Linux User #454271




        Survey completed :-)
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          It doesnt really apply to Kubuntu though since there is no mention of DE preference. I detest Unity, and so filled out the survey negatively. I love the two Ubuntu spin-offs Ive tried, Kubuntu and Lubuntu, but the survey makes no distinction. Its like having a market research survey for strawberries and asking only on question: "Do you like fruit?"


            Done it. I, too, wished they had included questions on DE/Window Manager used. The last time I tried Unity, it wasn't too bad (looked and felt better than GS, haven't tried Cinnamon yet). I'll wait until release day to try the 12.04 version on my alternate install, which in currently 11.10 with GS.
            The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


              I completed the survey - hoping that there would be a question asking which Ubuntu variant I use/prefer - but no.


                Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                It doesnt really apply to Kubuntu though since there is no mention of DE preference. I detest Unity, and so filled out the survey negatively. I love the two Ubuntu spin-offs Ive tried, Kubuntu and Lubuntu, but the survey makes no distinction. Its like having a market research survey for strawberries and asking only on question: "Do you like fruit?"
                I'm guessing they know what they're doing. I filled it out just to be helpful, but it didn't seem that relevant to me either. I don't even know what "Unity" is! I guess I should Google it, but what I have works so there's not much reason to do so. Anyway, I think these surveys have limited use except to gather information that can be used for promotion, and I certainly wish them well in that regard.


                  Originally posted by Ole Juul View Post
                  I'm guessing they know what they're doing. I filled it out just to be helpful, but it didn't seem that relevant to me either. I don't even know what "Unity" is! I guess I should Google it, but what I have works so there's not much reason to do so. Anyway, I think these surveys have limited use except to gather information that can be used for promotion, and I certainly wish them well in that regard.
                  Unity is the default DE that comes with Ubuntu. Personally, I think its garbage, but some like it. Anyway, its extremely controversial and to have a user survey which doesnt include a single question about it is useless in my opinion.


                    I agree, the questions seemed misleading. I filled it out, but did not submit the survey due to the fact that any results collected from Kubuntu users will be counted and construed as "pro Unity". That's not going to happen with me. In fact, what benefit could there possibly be from a Kubuntu user filling out this survey?
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                      Originally posted by dequire View Post
                      I agree, the questions seemed misleading. I filled it out, but did not submit the survey due to the fact that any results collected from Kubuntu users will be counted and construed as "pro Unity". That's not going to happen with me. In fact, what benefit could there possibly be from a Kubuntu user filling out this survey?
                      I'm not even pro-desktop! I do use one, but I can't really see what that has to do with the OS of choice. Since a desktop is indeed needed in this day and age there are two choices to be made. A choice of OS and a choice of desktop. I think the survey is confounding these and that does puzzle me a little. The posters of the survey apparently see computers in a completely different way than I do and I don't really understand them. However, I don't need to. As far as I'm concerned we're both in the FOSS camp, so they're OK with me.


                        "Ubuntu for Android"... isn't that just a little bit weird? What's next, Firefox for Chrome?


                          There's an option "Other Ubuntu variant" under "Which other operating systems do you use?"

                          I notice that under "Why did you choose Ubuntu?" there isn't an option for "Flexibility"!

                          I too did not submit as I don't believe the results will be used for Ubuntu variants like K, only for Ubuntu Unity.
                          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                            "Ubuntu for Android"... isn't that just a little bit weird? What's next, Firefox for Chrome?
                            Android for IBM System/370!
                            I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                              Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                              There's an option "Other Ubuntu variant" under "Which other operating systems do you use?"
                              It did look like they were wanting to shape the results. Perhaps they consider the BSDs to be another Ubuntu variant since it wasn't specifically mentioned. It's pretty popular, and that's what my wife is running with KDE as a desktop.

                              It is not easy to second guess where they are coming from. It could be an exercise in branding, or it could just be put together by a younger person who's experience with the wider world is still somewhat limited. We've all been there.

