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bloggers at slashdot predict 3 year demise of ubu

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    bloggers at slashdot predict 3 year demise of ubu

    Of course there are bloggers at slashdot that love Ubu, but this article gives voice to multiple windows lovers that hate ubu....

    but there was one sentence which I, personally, think has some relevance:

    "I was evaluating gnumed for a possible user and spent the better part of an hour looking for the menus, which Ubuntu had happily hidden."
    I, PERSONALLY, think that the "hiding" of the menus in Unity was a direct consequence of the "Linux mindset" about having a "clean desktop".

    It may be that at least one SMALL reason why "many/most/whatever" NEW people who attempt to use Linux go away is because they normally operate in windblows with a lot of linkys and folders on the desktop.

    I, personally, when using SuperOS have a lot of stuff on the desktop.

    When I use Kubu, of course, I do not................BUT......IT TOOK QUITE A WHILE for me to GET USED TO THAT.....

    So..... maybe the reason Mint is popping is that those who work better with a messy desktop can have a.....messy desktop.

    Any comments from the gentle readers?


    I have a messy desktop -- both the verticle and the horizontal one.


      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post

      I, personally, when using SuperOS have a lot of stuff on the desktop.

      When I use Kubu, of course, I do not................BUT......IT TOOK QUITE A WHILE for me to GET USED TO THAT.....

      So..... maybe the reason Mint is popping is that those who work better with a messy desktop can have a.....messy desktop.
      I wonder what makes you type this? You know perfectly well that an imaginative person(like yourself) can quickly turn any virtual desktop into a mnemonic tool...

      ...through rapid launcher+dolphin action.

      I tried Mint recently and was not particularly impressed by its customization capabilities.
      Attached Files
      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        Let's keep things clean, ok? :roll:
        Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
        How do I know this personally? Please read here:
        PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


          I have a completely clean desktop. Not even any widgets (OK I have one, on my second screen). And guess what - I hardly ever see it. I actually want to use my computer for apps, not just look at the desktop. (I don't maximise all apps by any means; keep that assumption far away from me you tablet UI developers! But I do usually have several windows open on each virtual desktop currently in use.)

          I don't organise my "stuff" on the desktop the way many windows users seem to do (... "organise" being a bit of a strong word for what they do, sometimes). I know how to use folders for documents. And I know how to use search for my apps and have a list of favourites.

          But I'm all for allowing those who like to clutter their desktops to do so. Like those who move files from one computer to another by emailing them to themselves ... and then save the .eml or .msg files on their new PC, instead of the file attachments themselves, it allows me to spot computer illiterates quickly.
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

