
No announcement yet. -- 50 GiB free for Android users, includes webdav support

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new posts -- 50 GiB free for Android users, includes webdav support

    If you have an Android device, go register an account at Then install their app from the Android market. You'll get upgraded from 5 GiB to 50 GiB immediately. This promotion is good through 23 March. After that, the promotion ends, but you'll keep the space.

    Then, in Dolphin places, right-click an empty space and create a new place:

    Yes, you need a double-slash at the end. And if you deselect Only show... then this new place will appear in all KDE file picker dialogs.

    You'll be prompted for your ID and password. Select the option to remember. Then you'll be all set. (I was prompted twice, not sure why, and couldn't get that behavior to duplicate.)

    Thanks for the post. I now have a "lifetime" membership of 50 GB, supposedly.

    HOWEVER, the Android "Market" is now rebranded to Google "Play". It APPEARS as if the thing is just for music, and they will be pushing the paid apps apparently, here is a article on it.

    It does, indeed work very simply.

    I did have to "make a folder" and then put an item in it for Dolphin to "see it". But then it worked fine.

    On the phone the item in the folder appears in "updates".

    I am curious to see if I can upload a file on the Windblows machine at work.

    I also had two sign ins.

    thanks again.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Mar 12, 2012, 12:37 AM.


      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
      the Android "Market" is now rebranded to Google "Play". It APPEARS as if the thing is just for music, and they will be pushing the paid apps apparently
      The Market has always been the place to obtain not only apps but also books, music, and movies. What's going on is just a silly re-branding exercise...

      Market -> Play Store
      Books -> Play Books
      Music -> Play Music
      Movies -> Play Movies

      That's what's changed so far. What's next, "Play Finance"?


        i agree, according to the linked article in my post it is about "tearing down the walls". Or, to put it another way, a good way to make a silo!



          I can, indeed, open the Box site at the college, place a file therein and it appears in the Android.




   - sounds excellent! - signing up

            Android ...
            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            HOWEVER, the Android "Market" is now rebranded to Google "Play". ...
            Which is not just a rebranding, but also a chance for Google to force new terms and conditions on us. Has anyone read the Ts&Cs? Or read a review of the changes? I suspect nothing much has changed. But this caught my eye:
            2.4 From time to time, Google may discover a Product on Google Play that violates the Developer Distribution Agreement or other legal agreements, laws, regulations or policies. You agree that in such an instance Google retains the right to remotely remove those applications from your Device at its sole discretion.
            Just like Amazon, hmm. Apple probably have a similar condition.
            I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


              Re: Google removing Android apps... it's happened before, when malware was discovered in the market: Google reached into phones and removed the infected apps.


                Yes Apple has a similar policy and they too have "exercised" that right. As far as the rebranding I think it is more of an attempt to make it appear dissimilar to Apple's Store.


                  Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                  As far as the rebranding I think it is more of an attempt to make it appear dissimilar to Apple's Store.
                  You mean "similar to"? They are desperate to cover the same ground, offer the same "ecosystem".
                  I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                    Wow, and here I thought that 5 GB was massive 8) thanks for sharing this!


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                      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                        Did anyone have any problems with dolphin showing each folder as 'unkown'? Everytime I click on a folder it opens reqonk but never dolphin itself?


                          I've been using Box regularly to move updated Impress lectures to the college. However, I have not done the "colleagues" thing, just moving files.



                            Originally posted by NarcT View Post
                            Did anyone have any problems with dolphin showing each folder as 'unkown'? Everytime I click on a folder it opens reqonk but never dolphin itself?
                            Did you use or in the WebDAV URL? Did you allow KWallet to store your password?
                            Last edited by SteveRiley; May 11, 2012, 10:40 PM.


                              hmmmm good question, and lathough the question was not directed to moi, I use it "on the net" on the home computer and at the college, so don't know, but it was the one I got just after the free offer was posted, I'll check later.


