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2011 Members' Choice Awards: KDE - Best Desktop Environment of the Year

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    2011 Members' Choice Awards: KDE - Best Desktop Environment of the Year

    Greetings all,

    Check this out, I ran across this article yesterday.

    I'm a new member to but I've been a long-time Ubuntu user (as of 6.06). However during the 3rd quarter of last year the Unity/Gnome-3 DE "improvement" mess evicted me from my Gnome-2.x comfort zone and into the cold. So I test-drove Debian (Gnome & KDE), Fedora, CentOS, Chakra, and Kubuntu. And I found that Kubuntu delivered the best balance of features, stability, and (some) bling. Sometime back I had tried KDE 4.0/4.1 but it was just too rough at the edges but... the new KDE-4.8 is amazing.

    So now I'm a Kubuntu convert, and a VERY happy one at that.

    On a side note I think it was a blunder on Canonical's part to drop their offical Kubuntu/KDE support. I think Canonical should have 6x their Kubuntu resources and used Kubuntu as the transition target for normal deskop and power-users. The Unity interface would then be be targeted at novice users and Netbook/Notepad devices.

    Anyway, I'm really glad I found this forum. Ciao.

    Welcome to KFN, and to Kubuntu Linux. We like it too.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Thanks for the great linky and don't be a stranger!



        Welcome migelito!

        I voted in the poll, but I didn't know about the techradar "award". Cool.
        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

