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How I Killed the Internet

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    How I Killed the Internet

    But such carefree idealistic days are seldom too far from being exploited by people who prefer the balance of power to shift in their direction. Innocently at first but with increasing frequency, some new silos started appearing.

    At first, those silos seemed unthreatening because they were small and the rest of the internet was substantially larger than they were. But just as a small hole in a dam seems relatively irrelevant at first, the pressure started building up and eventually led to an increasing number of areas around the internet where traffic would flow one way only, coming in from the community but never leaving back.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Mar 05, 2012, 06:45 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    very good.


      Great article! I've had a difficult time explaining this to people around here. There is a general consensus that Facebook is a great place for "web sites" because it doesn't cost anything and "everybody" is on it. Well I'm not on it because I am unable to do so. They don't get that. It's as if any moral or ethical issues simply don't apply to the internet. Now I'm not saying what or who's morals or ethics should apply, but I am saying that I am responsible - and so are you. I just get blank stares. My recent attempt (here) wasn't that successful, so I'll pass this article along to some people. At least they will be able to see that there is someone else that is concerned.


        There is another this possibly.

        One has probably heard the oft repeated phrase of people selling advertising. That one wants to be sure that the customer is "being driven" to the product.

        In other words, the business wants the "silo" effect as long as the people are in the desired silo.

        Google is doing something similar with the new search "enhancements" which force people into a "silo" of a certain way of thinking as it were. One only gets results which reinforce the thinking that is already there.


