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A nice little test of your system & innovative Moby Dick stuff

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    A nice little test of your system & innovative Moby Dick stuff

    This fellow, a teacher, has set himself a goal of writing a song for each chapter of Moby Dick.

    I won't get into the quality of the stuff but he certainly has a following and is going to soon try to publish a book if possible. Aside: However, I think, that even though he has actually "thought out of the box" going digital as an "homage" to a printed book, that he unknowingly betrays his academic roots by thinking in terms of a printed book as opposed to say, the new Istore thing about digital etc. )but be that as it may...

    The poems are relatively nice and....

    as a test of your system, there is an audio that is embedded on each page for each chapter. If one's system is "up to snuff" then when one clicks the play button one can read and listen at the same time.


    The embedded audio links "on each page" aren't visible, nor do they appear when hoovering over anything on that page. I managed to find a page which had a picture of two sailers on it, but clicking the triangle start button to the flash player didn't result in any sound,and my flash player is the latest and most pristine.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
      The embedded audio links "on each page" aren't visible, nor do they appear when hoovering over anything on that page.
      Here they are on every page:

      Btw, cool site. +1 woodsmoke
      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        Hi GG and rms.

        I'm sorry that you aren't seeing the player linkys, but rms that is, indeed, what I see.



          Works for me, really interesting, not sure it has any other value except being a curiosity.


            Thankss, RMS! My eyes being what they are I just couldn't see any player controls. But, once you showed me where they were at they were easier to see.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

