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    New escapee to the world of Kubuntu, thought I would drop in and say hullo.
    Replaced Mint with 64-bit 11.10 on an i5 2500K with 8Gb RAM and it goes like the wind.
    Problem free install, and I am well impressed.
    Now looking forward to 12.04 coming along at end April.

    Welcome! Yeah, we sorta like Kubuntu also.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Welcome, FTS!

      I've been running Precise since Jan 2nd. it is coming along nicely, although I have two "gotchas" which are persistant,
      1) Kfilebox, which I used to access my dropbox local and remote files, tries to make a remote link before my wifi has connected, and it doesn't abend gracefully. But, after I have an internet connection Kfilebox starts without problems.

      2) KMail has problems when one deletes an email. It is "supposed" to move the deleted email to the trash folder, but it can't find it, so it abends and throws a crash dialog. Only certain emails consistently crash KMail when I delete them. Mostly news about political campaign issues from commercial news sites. After four or five repeated crashes and restarts KMail then allows me to delete files without crashing. They NEVER, however, appear in the trash folder.

      Other than that, and the new DRM policies of Flashplayer requiring one to install HAL, I am getting fantastic behavior out of Precise. I am glad I started using it when it was alpha.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Hi GG.

        I was tempted to load up the alpha, or is it beta by now, but the natural coward in me made me exercise a bit of caution.
        For the sake of a couple of months, I think I will bide my time.
        That's me about a week now with K, and really pleased with it. My only minor winge was the default font settings which I guess are fine if you are 18.
        But hey, with KDE everything is adjustable, and an increase in font size, a switch to DejaVu and a fiddle with the anti-aliasing and now I can see the damn text.
        Doing the fine tuning now.

        Live Long


          Originally posted by Flip the Switch View Post
          New escapee to the world of Kubuntu, thought I would drop in and say hullo.

          Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
          There's a word I haven't seen for a while. Reminds me of my favorite error message on that old Alpha Micro in my high school:
          ?Bitmap kaput
          Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
          Other than that, and the new DRM policies of Flashplayer requiring one to install HAL
          Hm, what's this? I've installed the latest Flash on my laptop, no HAL required...

