Port #7 failed on my el-cheap-o Netgear switch the other day. That's six of eight dead. (Had I counted the uplink and waited for one more port to die, I'd have had my very own seven of nine. But I digress.)
Figuring that it's time for an upgrade, I headed over to NewEgg and splurged on some decent Cisco small-biz gear: an SG300-10 switch and an RV220W router, plus a handful of 3' cables for that fresh Ethernet feeling. Just finished the wiring and configurating and wow, verrrry nice. Should have done this ages ago. Can't wait to fiddle with all those interesting traffic manipulation options on the switch.
When I unplugged everything from the borked NetGear and picked it up, something inside it rattled...sounds like a big ball bearing rolling around in there. Time to break out the screwdriver and perform an autopswitchy, I guess.
Figuring that it's time for an upgrade, I headed over to NewEgg and splurged on some decent Cisco small-biz gear: an SG300-10 switch and an RV220W router, plus a handful of 3' cables for that fresh Ethernet feeling. Just finished the wiring and configurating and wow, verrrry nice. Should have done this ages ago. Can't wait to fiddle with all those interesting traffic manipulation options on the switch.
When I unplugged everything from the borked NetGear and picked it up, something inside it rattled...sounds like a big ball bearing rolling around in there. Time to break out the screwdriver and perform an autopswitchy, I guess.