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Slip slidin' away...GCALDaemon and Do or Do Not, there is no try...

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    Slip slidin' away...GCALDaemon and Do or Do Not, there is no try...

    There were two things that IMMEDIATELY came to mind when I checked my ANDROID(Linux) smart phone, to take a look at Kubu forums ....I was in a bar...listening to some very good Karaoke. One of the singers was a very famous singer of the fifties/sixties...really, wrote a lot of songs and made his living as a "cabaret" singer...and is now retired to a wonderful place to live where he can "just sing"....but anyway..... I read the post about Koffice being dumped...

    And immediately two things came to mind....

    A) the first...was the song by Paul Simon.... and I asked one of the singers if he could sing it and he did...pretty good singer also....

    The salient lyrics are:

    Slip slidin' away...
    Slip slidin' away.....
    The nearer your destination....the more you keep slip sldin' away....

    B) The second thing that came to mind was, again, something that I have not discussed here at the forum....

    Anybody heard of GCALDaemon?

    It is a "throughput", for GoogleCalendar free....uses.... java...hmmmm my spurned Calypso was "just a java applet ...I mean...sniff, sniff, how important can a JAVA applet be...?".....was the attitude....

    but....looky here..... it seems to be a complete soltuion for....Sunbird/Firfox/ThunderBird/Mozilla Calendar....EVOLUTION.... to get to, my, my.....

    Okaaayyyyyyy soooooooooooooo

    All the people that grouse and complain and bit#$ about Akonadi, maybe ought to be USING Akonadi and REPORTING both bugs and POSITIVE things about it.....

    Or....a much spurned java applet may just walk all over Akonadi....and Kontact will be the next app to "not be developed".

    I think that Yoda put it very well:

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 17, 2012, 07:26 AM.