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Why is Koffice not included in the Kubuntu cd/dvd?

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    Originally posted by rms View Post
    100mb? Actually it uses 300 as that screen shot points. It's the topmost process. Maybe you were looking at Firefox in the very good second place as I was reading some info at Amarok's home page at the time.
    All that goodness merely because I was listening to a dozen songs
    I think he meant 100 mb more, on top of the 200 mb you mentioned


      Also, kwin is just the window manager part of kde, so you are using a lot more than 200 mb overall, plasma-desktop, knotify, krunner etc.

      If you want to slim down amarok turn off any unused scripts and plugins, my fully loaded amarok usually starts up with 370 mb ram, I turned off jamendo, lastfm, and most everything else and it is currenly using less than 80mb after 3 songs in a 10 song dynamic playlist, I was surprised at that, I just discovered this as I typed out this reply.


        Originally posted by claydoh View Post
        I think he meant 100 mb more, on top of the 200 mb you mentioned

        In all honesty, I did press the button to get additional info on the artists. And as I was once, long ago, filling the post of a sysadmin my eyes get particularly maladjusted and sensitive to such figures, so the blame is entirely on me not Amarok.
        Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


          Originally posted by rms View Post

          In all honesty, I did press the button to get additional info on the artists. And as I was once, long ago, filling the post of a sysadmin my eyes get particularly maladjusted and sensitive to such figures, so the blame is entirely on me not Amarok.
          No, amarok is bloated, you wouldn't think the plugins would take so much juice,lol! After a half hour I never saw it go above 75, and it loaded at 375!!.


            But, I really got to THINKING about rms' comment about "bloat".....that complaint has been percolating about the internet for at least several years...and the devs have not given it any thought?

            Ok so again...

            a) If there is no way to "reduce it" then the devs should just say so, so that the community can move on...those who would use it will and the rest can then go away with no ill feelings.
            b) but again, I issue the challange.......why not let the USERS....thousands of them...TEST THE NEXT ITERATION.... so that then there won't be any REASON for complaint.....they will see the inner workings of things and possibly come out with a better inclination toward Amarok...


            How about of all the hundreds, or more, developers for KDE....that is the approximation that SR mentioned about "KDE" ask one of them to hie herself or himself to the fora Kubuntu and offer to .....don't know...."moderate" the many denizens of said catacombs to "test".....just a text change in the TeaTimer.....and then rename said veteran application of great and estimable "Kteatimer".....

            maybe it would ENLIVEN the lovers of Kubuntu to strive in some small way to help the distro....

            That is, after all, what was ASKED of them....just a scant few days ago....when they found out that the "lone gunman, sorry...lone developer" was going to work elsewhere...



              users can test, there is often a beta Amarok available in kubuntu's ppa's. they have their own forum in kde's forum....

              unfortunately, those who code (in their spare time mostly, between school, work, and families) and those who complain, err have critical feed back seldom hang out in the same places, most often. Devs generally do irc and mailing lists, while most users do not

              there are exceptions. Kmymoney devs get a lot of feedback in their mailing lists, and are quite responsive; they also are relatively active in kde's forums.
              in our case,we do once in a while see a Kubuntu dev pop in here for a comment. I do not see many here going to kubuntu's irc dev channel or kubuntu-devel mailing list.I have in the past announced cd/dvd iso testing, but no one ever followed the links given to the testing site.

              also to note: in Amarok's case they are KDE, but are a separate project - they do not release with KDE, Calligra/koffice is similar. Kdepim is also somewhat independent.

              what i think i am boiling this down to is that the Producer-Consumer model does not apply here, and that both "sides" need reminding of this regularly.


                Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                what i think i am boiling this down to is that the Producer-Consumer model does not apply here, and that both "sides" need reminding of this regularly.
                Well said.

                Perhaps it's useful to think of the relationship this way. Free software is in fact not exactly free, in that we all must invest a certain amount of time in learning it, reporting bugs, and testing updates. What we obtain in return is, for the most part, a wider range of software from which to choose.


                  Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                  No, amarok is bloated, you wouldn't think the plugins would take so much juice,lol! After a half hour I never saw it go above 75, and it loaded at 375!!.
                  Well, it is a tame animal when it loads on my machine. 30-50Mb with all plugins loaded and if I just play songs in a cue it remains so. But the moment I invoke some advanced feature, for it is an advanced music player, like getting additional info on the artist, feels like waking the whole pack of them and the nightmare begins (folks with 1Gb RAM DON'T try this at home).

                  Sorry for this OT. I think that the freedom to use whatever software we find appropriate for the task for whatever reasons is the only sound direction to follow.
                  Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.

