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I guess in the UK you are guilty until proven innocent... if you can.

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    I guess in the UK you are guilty until proven innocent... if you can.

    The warnings on this website are ... Orwellian, to say the least. :eek:

    It's by the SOCA (Serious Organized Crime Agency). Wow!

    As a result of illegal downloads young, emerging artists may have had their careers damaged. If you have illegally downloaded music you will have damaged the future of the music industry.

    Visit for a list of legal music sites on the web.
    At least it is for the children.

    TechDirt has more information.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 14, 2012, 09:36 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Wow. Complete with an oh-so-scary listing of your IP and browser version. Graham Linehan nailed it a while back (


      I have two questions about all this rigorous enforcement -- to neither of which I've received convincing answers. Here goes...

      1. Why is that we rarely hear about artists lamenting lost revenue from presumed/inferred infringement? The studios continually gripe about "theft" and "violation" and so on. But from the people who actually create the works we enjoy...where is their voice in all this?

      2. Once upon a time, the purpose of a democratic government was to balance the powers between the elites and the citizens. This purpose appears to have been largely abandoned. By what mechanism might we return such forms of government to their rightful duties?


        Hi SR.
        The answer to your question is really very simple but nobody in the Linux world, or the academic world want to acknowledge it.

        In the sixties there was a film called 1984. It was from the book by Orwell. EVERYBODY in the sixties college crowd read the book and watched the film.....

        And the college "liberal/hippie" people, were then the MOST VOCAL in decrying the evils of "Big Brother".....pointing at the evil conservatives such as Nixon(I am no fan of Nixon btw).

        Those very people who took to the in (Wild in the Streets) and were the MOST VOCAL..against the evil conservatives THEN......are now.....the people doing this....and none of the academic/Linux people who decry the evil conservatives say ...a single word.....

        about........Big liberal brother watching YOU!

        Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 14, 2012, 11:56 PM.


          Warning! The following is likely partially affected by the resultant mental state of too many hours lingering in receptions and cocktail parties typical of large-scale technology conventions (I'm at Cloud Connect this week). Nevertheless, here goes...

          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
          none of the academic/Linux people who decry the evil conservatives say ...a single word.....about........Big liberal brother watching YOU!
          Hey, smokie.

          Last time I checked, plenty of folks at FSF and EFF were -- and are -- campaigning precisely against big brother. I'm not sure why you inserted "liberal" in there?

          As far as one group watching another goes... which is the more evil:

          * a group that insists it dictate the One True Moral Path, including complete control over what I do in my own bedroom, out of view of everyone else
          * from which derives an insatiable urge to construct the surveillance society in which we must all now suffer greatly


          * one that acts as a counterbalance to heavily moneyed forces
          * and therefore acknowledges its principal function to be that of leveler of playfields, mitigating (but not completely eliminating) the disparities of privilege?

          If I may be so bold, I might anticipate your next response: "Liberal Obama sure seems to fit in bullet #2 of section #1" -- namely, pursuing the construction of a surveillance society. And indeed, you're correct! I am ashamed I voted for him. I fell for his lies and his manipulation. The current occupant of the White House is by no means liberal nor progressive. And for that we should all be very ashamed.


            The (US) movie industry went from Broadway to Hollywood just because they wouldn't tolerate copyright law on the east coast, they got their free haven in California. Now they rule on top of the pyramid - fine example of capitalist(s) logic.

            G. Orwell was a anarcho-syndicalist (or if you'd like the wider term - socialist). It's clear that he opposed the communist Soviet as much as the capitalist UK. (Capitalist-)liberals who stem from Mill to Friedman never grasp Orwells political view, he's just a icon that they can use to gain points in debates with/towards Marxism/socialism/anarchism.

            This example of how corporations gain and express their power through capitalism, is the wet dream of every true fascist, new-speak from the 'democratic' institution.

            ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
            Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
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            - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
            >>>>>>>>>>>> Support KFN <<<<<<<<<<<<<


              Originally posted by steveriley View Post

              Hey, smokie.

              Last time I checked, plenty of folks at FSF and EFF were -- and are -- campaigning precisely against big brother. I'm not sure why you inserted "liberal" in there?
              Hi SR.
              I won't irritate anybody by naming names, but let me instead ask two questions.

              a) Bush started all the "monitoring", for which he should be condemned to eternal monitoring himself, especially in a small concrete enclosure.

              But.....just which administration presently has actually EXPANDED FISA etc. now.... asking that the U.S. skys be "monitored" by....30,000, yes that number has five zeros...."drones" some of which will be armed: 30,000 drones law to be signed by Pres. Obama next week

              If Bush had done this the "media" would be SCREAMING to have his head RIPPED off and be flown around on a tether UNDER the drone! The Democrats would be FROTHING at the mouth... Instead we here NOTHING and the President is readying his pens.... the Republicans....are saying nothing.....

              I now ask for a show of hands. Is there anybody reading this that thinks the present administration is conservative? Waiting.....waiting....hmmm seeing none, we may assume that the present administration is..."liberal"....and.... the fickle finger of fate moves on....

              b) Is there anybody reading this that thinks the British government is "conservative"? Waiting.....waiting....hmmmmm seeing none.....

              Does anybody here remember when the NON-conservatives were sneering at all those people in flyover country when they were complaining about the

              Only now they aren't black and they aren't helicopters.....they are drones signed into law by a NON-conservative president.....and the media and the democrats....say nothing...

              And the woodsmoker crawls back under his
              Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 15, 2012, 06:13 AM.


                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                I won't irritate anybody by naming names, but let me instead ask two questions.
                As usual, I love how we can have these kinds of conversations without worrying (too much, anyway) about allowing emotion to overtake reason.

                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                Bush started all the "monitoring", for which he should be condemned to eternal monitoring himself, especially in a small concrete enclosure.

                But.....just which administration presently has actually EXPANDED FISA etc. now.... asking that the U.S. skys be "monitored" by....30,000 "drones" some of which will be armed law to be signed by Pres. Obama next week

                If Bush had done this the "media" would be SCREAMING to have his head RIPPED off and be flown around on a tether UNDER the drone! The Democrats would be FROTHING at the mouth... Instead we here NOTHING and the President is readying his pens.... the Republicans....are saying nothing.....

                I now ask for a show of hands. Is there anybody reading this that thinks the present administration is conservative? Waiting.....waiting....hmmm seeing none, we may assume that the present administration is..."liberal"....and.... the fickle finger of fate moves on....
                I know plenty of liberals and progressives like myself who have concluded that this president is most certainly not an embodiment of that which we hold to be important. He's become a clone of the very person he claimed to want to replace. Alas, we have a compliant mainstream media, all too willing to spread its legs for whoever has the most money.

                Money > Truth.


                  Originally posted by steveriley View Post
                  I have two questions about all this rigorous enforcement -- to neither of which I've received convincing answers. Here goes...

                  1. Why is that we rarely hear about artists lamenting lost revenue from presumed/inferred infringement? The studios continually gripe about "theft" and "violation" and so on. But from the people who actually create the works we enjoy...where is their voice in all this?
                  Courtney Love nailed it.

                  2. Once upon a time, the purpose of a democratic government was to balance the powers between the elites and the citizens. This purpose appears to have been largely abandoned. By what mechanism might we return such forms of government to their rightful duties?
                  A question I constantly ask myself. My first impulse is to vote EVERY incumbent OUT of office. But, who do we choose from? I would wager that more than half of the population feels that "it" is not illegal if you don't get caught. Forget respect for the law, because our lawmakers have shown us how to disrespect not only the law, but the Constitution as well.

                  EDIT: I forgot this link:
                  Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 15, 2012, 01:33 PM.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    SR wrote:

                    I know plenty of liberals and progressives like myself who have concluded that this president is most certainly not....

                    The few proud the... liberals who don't like Obama! lol

                    That is one of the several reasons why I respect what you say SR. TUP



                      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                      Courtney Love nailed it.
                      Well said.

                      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                      The "lost income because of piracy" argument is mostly bogus. If all piracy suddenly stopped, I doubt the incomes of studios would experience a reciprocal increase. People who pay for stuff now will continue to pay for stuff; people who don't will find something else to do.

                      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                      That is one of the several reasons why I respect what you say SR.
                      Heh, thank-ee... In my view, he's not nearly liberal enough! Hope I didn't lose your respect with that


                        Originally posted by steveriley View Post
                        The "lost income because of piracy" argument is mostly bogus. If all piracy suddenly stopped, I doubt the incomes of studios would experience a reciprocal increase. People who pay for stuff now will continue to pay for stuff; people who don't will find something else to do.
                        The last GOOD movie coming from Hollywood was The Dark Knight merely because Joker had intelligent things to say. All else were just drones that Mr. woodsmoke would care to shoot down in his fly-over country for practice sake.
                        Last edited by rms; Feb 16, 2012, 06:53 PM.
                        Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.



                          Yep a good long 9 ga. duck gun can do a wonder of things. And a little moonshine helps with the "zen" of aiming..



                            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post

                            Yep a good long 9 ga. duck gun can do a wonder of things. And a little moonshine helps with the "zen" of aiming..

                            With a 9 ga you have to aim? That's a potent brew you'll distilling!
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              laying in the cold, cold, boat...under canvas..... with geese so high up that their poop will hit me before I can get the gun up.... one NEEDS the fortification to just get the COLD GUN up and out of the canvas....before the geese just laugh and fly on!


