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Do you use Amarok regularly when you use a music player?

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    woodsmoke: I will do a write -up later tonight when I have time to remember lol.
    ​"Keep it between the ditches"
    K*Digest Blog
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      I second the request for a write up on how to set up Amarok to look like that.

      Bonus would be a link to a higher resolution picture of the screen shot. The ol' eyes aren't what they used to be!


        Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
        dequire wrote:

        +1 for Amarok. I use it daily! Here's a picture of mine in action.

        Dequire, I, personally, am quite jealous! Kind of like #! I just never quite "got it" with Conky and everybody there knew it.

        How about giving us less creative folks a short howto on what you did to get that setup.

        I used to love amarok. but somehow it never imported my music files properly. often some of them used to get missed. then i switched to Clementine.
        I don't hate amarok nor i luvv clementine.. i just like it cause it works for me without fuss..
        asus A52N
        Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
        AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
        windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


          +1 for Clementine. Nice and simple. I haven't tried many since i switched to Kubuntu. I did try Amarok but its layout was not doing it for me. Too much going on that killed my performance.


            I just made the switch to KDE [on mageia] after being on gnome/ubun
            running old hardware hpdc5000 sff pentium 4
            & having a music library with 20'000 files
            resource management matters
            Amarok slows everything down too much, I keep trying, the interface seems imcomprehensible
            Clementine just works, the support for external devices is excellent, I can even run off a specific folder on a usb hdd

            -1 on the new forum, which signed me out when I stepped away to stoke the woodstove & get a fresh cuppa


              Tried Amarok a few times but could never get it to work.
              Clementine is nice but I found it a bit buggy.
              Finally settled on Exaile, it just does what it is supposed to do.


                I like Amarok.



                  I recently decided to give Amarok another shot. I couldnt get it to work before, but now it works perfectly...dont know why. Absolutely love it. Every other music player has been removed.


                    Amarok is my first choice music player since I use KDE.
                    "Just keep on learning. Little by little... If you're empty, then you can take in anything. If you want to be reborn, then it's in your best interest to become empty." - Vinland Saga


                      Now with podcast support, I can't imagine the need to ever use another player. Amarok has come a long way, and does everything (well) that I need any type of audio software to do. There's even a stream-ripper plug-in for recording from the web!
                      ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                      K*Digest Blog
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