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Do you use Amarok regularly when you use a music player?

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    Do you use Amarok regularly when you use a music player?

    Prolly a lot of folks know that my first love is the venerable old XMMS but I was introduced to "streaming music" by Amarok many years ago and on a far away planet.

    And through the years, we have seen Amarok have it's ups and downs.

    But, the last few weeks I decided to "just use Amarok".....and I can't really find anything wrong with it, with the possible exception of "skins" for my various desktop backgrounds(of which there are none, supposedly one can go to configure but the latest iteration just lets one change text colour).

    But the skins are no biggie to me if the rest of it works; and it has done so for the last while quite admirably.

    So....the question is very simple:

    Do you "regularly" use Amarok as a music player WHEN YOU USE a music player?

    If you have comments, not rants, one way or the other, or maybe you want to indicate the finer points of maybe qmms or Clementine, feel free to do so.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 08, 2012, 10:20 PM.

    No...I purged that a long while ago. It wouldnt play CDs for whatever reason. I use Aqualung now.


      I used to use Amarok as my primary music player back in the 1.x days, but current versions are just a bit too heavyweight to run well on my fairly elderly PC. I've switched to Clementine, which has all the features I liked from Amarok without bringing my system to its knees.
      "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
      -- Douglas Adams


        Hi all...

        I like Amarok's album art download feature but I've noticed that it doesn't shut down when clicking to do so on the toolbar icon.

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          I dropped Amarok some time ago. I mostly use Audacious and Clementine, and sometimes Aqualung. However the new Nightingale (based off of Songbird) looks very promising.
          The reason I use Audacious & Aqualung is mainly for the LADSPA plugins support. If only Nightingale/Clementine/Amarok would add this feature, I would probably choose on of them as my default audio player.



            thank you for the mention of nightingale, I did know of it, so I will check it out.


              Amarok was the first program I used when I was introduced to Kubuntu back in the 10.04 days. I immediately liked the layout and features, and have stuck with it since.

              I'm sure there are other programs that can do more, but since I know how to use Amarok, not really in the mood to learn something new.


                It's there but I don't use it any more. Hate to see that 250MB went down the drain just because I wanted to listen to a couple of songs.
                Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                  I voted no because "I uninstalled amarok" wasn't an option

                  I use qmmp. It's everything xmms was before they ruined it, uses Qt instead of gtk and will use my favorite winamp2 skin.
                  we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                  -- anais nin


                    yeppers Im a fan of xmms myself.


                      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                      yeppers Im a fan of xmms myself.
                      Give qmmp a try. If you liked xmms you'll probably like this.
                      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                      -- anais nin


                        I use Audacious (an XMMS evolue) about 99% of the time. I use Amarok 1% of the time. Audacious is too fast compared to any other top-heavy app, and I just want the music to play or stream (I don't want lyrics and album covers and lots of the other stuff that is fun in Amarok but which I only used once and then ignored). Amarok does have a relatively good Podcast function, and a good Shoutcast plugin available, but Podcasts aren't really that difficult to download directly through a browser, and the same is true for Shoutcast.

                        Clementine, AFAIK, doesn't have volume normalization (which Amarok has by default).

                        Lastly, I used Amarok briefly for streamripping, but actually I like KStreamripper better. Smaller, lighter, works in the background and I forget about it.


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                        and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


                          In 6 years of using Kubuntu I've never gotten Amarok to work. It's the one consistently buggy app that come packaged with the distro. I also find the interface bewildering. I'm happy with smplayer and Audacious.


                            +1 for Amarok. I use it daily! Here's a picture of mine in action:

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                              dequire wrote:

                              +1 for Amarok. I use it daily! Here's a picture of mine in action.

                              Dequire, I, personally, am quite jealous! Kind of like #! I just never quite "got it" with Conky and everybody there knew it.

                              How about giving us less creative folks a short howto on what you did to get that setup.


