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    Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
    10.04 works very well on this system and I'm hesitant to leave it.
    You know, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't know if you recall, but a few months ago when I got my new laptop I let the old one do the version upgrade thingy from 10.10 to 11.04--and it was disastrous. The old laptop just wasn't up to it. So I manually downgraded it back to 10.10 and it's been humming along beautifully ever since. So if 10.04 works well on your computer and you're comfortable sticking with it, no problem. (You could, of course, try booting it from a live CD of a newer version, just to see how it does.)
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Originally posted by steveriley View Post
      I presume you mean the package gecko-mediaplayer. Have you installed it? I've never used it, so I can't offer any suggestions as to how it ought to behave.
      Got it! It was actually the Totem-Gstreamer plugin. Thanks again for your help.

      @DYK: Thank you for your advice. It might be interesting to burn a copy of 12.04 once it comes out and see how it runs in live mode but I doubt I upgrade to it.

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        Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
        @DYK: Thank you for your advice. It might be interesting to burn a copy of 12.04 once it comes out and see how it runs in live mode but I doubt I upgrade to it.
        Sure, pop it in and give it a whirl, just to see. The great thing about live CDs is that they're harmless! If it's not looking good--like when I tried to install Fedora 16 on my old laptop a couple months ago --yank out the CD and you're back to normal. :-D

        BTW, speaking of old versions that we keep running...I finally actually LOOKED at which version is still on my mom's computer: 9.10! I know I've posted that it's 9.04 and then other times 9.10, because I couldn't remember--and I was too lazy to get up and go to her room. But I was installing some more games for her the other day so I thought, gee, how 'bout dropping to a prompt and finding out which version this is. Yep, definitely 9.10. And, no, I have no plans to upgrade--she's perfectly happy with what she's got, it runs great, and she wouldn't know or care about a new version anyway, so why make more work for myself?
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          Originally posted by ardvark71 View Post
          Thanks, guys!

          @GreyGeek: Perhaps at some future point, 10.04 works very well on this system and I'm hesitant to leave it.

          That it does on my Sony as well. So well on my Sony VIAO laptop, in fact, that I made the decision not to upgrade it even when the patches and bug fixes stop coming. Upgrading to the latest releases is, for the most part, a hobby or sport for most of us, and necessary only to get drivers for the newer hardware. Lucid will be good for several more years. As the window of compatibility slides into the future it may be difficult or impossible to run anything but Lucid (or Precise if you later upgrade it) because video, sound and other drivers may move into the archives and not be available for older hardware. I recall a problem installing Lucid on an older laptop for one of my friends. Their box had the old Radeon 9600 video driver. Crystal 10 was on ATI's site. It failed with the msg that it did not recognize the 9600. I went to the site and found out that the last driver pkg to hold the 9600 driver was Crystal 8. I downloaded it and tried to install it. It failed with the message that I was using the wrong kernel. Catch-22. I was forced to go to an older, non-Kubuntu distro which still included an x-server for the ATI 9600. It was like being forced to use Windows 95 because Win7 wouldn't work. It was either Puppy or DSL, I can't remember which.

          The only thing that may force me to install Precise is if the HD problems it began having turn out to be the beginning of the end for that HD. IF that turns out to be the case and I have to replace the HD, then Precise will be setting on it.
          Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 08, 2012, 10:29 AM.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
            I was forced to go to an older, non-Kubuntu distro which still included an x-server for the ATI 9600. It was like being forced to use Windows 95 because Win7 wouldn't work. It was either Puppy or DSL, I can't remember which.
            Hi Greygeek...

            Too bad this was a laptop, you might have been able to get better results if you were able to replace the 9600 with a Nvidia card.

            @DYK: RE: Your mom's computer....kind or reminds of the age old advice: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

            Last edited by ardvark71; Feb 08, 2012, 11:26 AM. Reason: Added information
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