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Windows start button to go bye bye

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    Windows start button to go bye bye

    to be replaced by a "hot corner"... interesting article about MS blowing away it's most famous branding tool.

    I wonder if it is similar to the cashew....maybe they will call it the..... kumquat.....dunno...


    It seems like theyre going to replace it with an empty space? That doesnt make any sense....


      I found the notebook computer the guy was using on the train to be amusing...


        Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
        to be replaced by a "hot corner"... interesting article about MS blowing away it's most famous branding tool.
        Ohhhhh, dear.
        Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
        How do I know this personally? Please read here:
        PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


          lol, yes, lol to all!



            You guys. It's quite simple, really. The Start button generates no revenue for Microsoft. By eliminating it, Microsoft instantly creates a rich third-party ecosystem for alternate system menus and program launchers. The Windows 8 app store will feature numerous choices, each with its own set of bugs and minor compatibility foibles. They won't be free, of course, and Microsoft will earn a few pennies revenue from each one. Furthermore, it shouldn't surprise you that these important utilities will be sold only by subscription. You will need to renew your Start button replacement license every time you boot your PC.


              Actually it's because Apple has a patent on "a screen element used to provide central access to programs and settings on the computing device"

              And Ms's lawyers have reported that they can't fight this one ...
              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                Actually it's because Apple has a patent on "a screen element used to provide central access to programs and settings on the computing device"

                And Ms's lawyers have reported that they can't fight this one ...
                Bill Gates isnt going to be happy when he finds out that I have a patent on blank space...


                  Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                  Actually it's because Apple has a patent on "a screen element used to provide central access to programs and settings on the computing device"
                  Just curious, but how does Kubuntu get around this with their kickoff icon in the bottom left corner? Is it because kubuntu is open source?


                    It's because Kubuntu doesn't have any money and is not worth going after
                    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                      Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                      .... Apple has a patent on "a screen element used to provide central access to programs and settings on the computing device"....
                      yet another win for the us patent system. im very sad to hear this news
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)


                        I should probably explain that I was joking!

                        However, you can remain sad because Apple most certainly has patents that are equally unsupportable - and the US patent system goes along with them.
                        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                          Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                          I should probably explain that I was joking!

                          Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                          However, you can remain sad because Apple most certainly has patents that are equally unsupportable - and the US patent system goes along with them.
                          Indeed. For example, their attempts to patent the rectangle. What's even more disappointing is how rabidly the Apple fanboys step up to support this ridiculous nonsense. Click that link, it's a Google search on "Apple patents rectangle." Read some of the articles, and read the replies to the articles. Apple isn't so much a technology company as they are a religion, one whose defenders bristle at the slightest whisper of a shadow of a hint that their genuflection is silly.


                            and it doesn't have to be the left corner xD
                            Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                              I would courteously request that we keep RELIGION out of our discussions.


                              just kidding.

