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A different "take" on Unity and other distros

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    A different "take" on Unity and other distros

    Not a long article, the meat of it is about halfway and then at the very end.

    What say you?


    There are points of interest in the article, even insightful.
    Fragmentation is both a problem and an enrichment but as we've seen with Windows relying on a single point of failure is no fun either.
    I am convinced there is room in the Linux world for more than one DE and KDE has a very broad base to succeed.

    Unity can be successful in the way iOS is, but the offering will have to be similarly complete as tweaking at user level is near impossible.


      Just yesterday I was mulling over the different DEs currently available and playing with different ones to see which I liked best. This got me to thinking about what i really want in a DE. What I really want in a DE, is one that works for me, not one that I have to work for it. I want to use my computer to do what a computer does without having to constantly being required to make changes to the DE. But I want to be able to easily modify the DE to my personal tastes. So the two main criteria for for me are stability and flexibility. Of course sometimes the two interfere with each other.>

