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CPU Recommendations

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    CPU Recommendations

    Santa was nice and left a couple of Ben Franklins in my stocking this year, so I'm looking into upgrading my CPU on my main desktop.

    Two games I would like to play that I currently can't play are Civilization 5, and Grand Theft Auto 4.

    The CPU I currently have is an Intel Dual Core Socket LGA775, 2.6 GHz (E5300)

    According to my motherboard manual (ASUS P5KPL-CM) this board will support up to a Quad Core 2 Duo processor.

    Newegg didn't have any quad core, but I saw that amazon had one.

    Is this a good purchase? Or should I spend the $200 on a better board/RAM/CPU with something else?

    Rest of the specs of the machine.

    4GB (2x2GB) Gskill RAM DDR2-6400
    Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT 512MB PCI Express x16

    The only other reason at this point for wanting a better CPU is because I like to mess around with virtual machines.

    I fell off the CPU wagon back in the single Pentium Core days, and I have no idea about the current crop of CPUS (i3? i7?)

    Re: CPU Recommendations

    Given the processor socket and your budget that's about as far as you can take it. I'd go for it
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin

