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Protesting SOPA

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    Re: Protesting SOPA

    I am canceling my personal protest. SOPA is DEAD! 8)

    UPDATE: Link corrected... sorry about that...

    All action on the house version of SOPA has been canceled, effectively killing it. The Senate bill is alive, but it takes both houses to pass a bill, and then the Pres has to sign it.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Protesting SOPA

      either too many hits and server is down or linky does not work.

      I searched online and there were a lot of "however, they are just putting it on the back burner, to bring it back later" comments.

      The comments section here:

      However, this has happened, at least in part....because of you raising awareness oh great greygeekness!



        Re: Protesting SOPA

        Originally posted by GreyGeek
        I am canceling my personal protest. SOPA is DEAD! 8)
        I'm a little confused. If SOPA is dead, why are several big-time sites going dark tomorrow in protest?

        BTW, I won't be offline regardless. I do everything online and don't personally see how my working on my web sties or shops or paying bills at BofA will affect SOPA, one way or the other.
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          SOPA would shut down streaming music.

          Please READ the sentence. It is what I have harped about for several years... Streaming music into the U.S. would be shut down.

          They emphasize that their primary targets are foreign Web sites that sell counterfeit goods and let people stream and download music and video at no charge — sites that are now largely out of reach of United States law enforcement.
          After they would take out the sites offshore from the U.S. that are streaming say.....the latest Lady GaGa song....which would be legal in that country but not in the U.S.

          They would go after as in made by a band in Haiti that produces free music...because of the Commerce clause which says that if there is POTENTIAL TO LOSE MONEY....


          that the strams would be shut down...

          THAT is why the big sites are STILL protesting....

          Shoutcast in the U.S. could be shut down using the Commerce Clause....

          Shoutcast would the REST of the world.....

          The DEMMICATS....and the REPUBICANS....could care less about "the folks"......whether they be Linux college educated elites or bohunks in the middle of Gawgia.....



            Re: Protesting SOPA

            I don't think people would scroll back to the Op to see the Jan 16th update.
            In any case, doesn't hurt to send a quick email to your reps ("I oppose SOPA and PIPA."). Get their address from many places, like this one:
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: Protesting SOPA

              In the few minutes before my two classes today I showed the students that Google had blacked out the name, that SOMA FM was blacked out and that there were, at that time, about 50,000 internet radio stations online at ShoutCast and that none of them had even heard of them and that if SOPA went through they would be effectively stopped at the U.S. Border.

              Two students, one in each class actively raised their hand, and described, generally, what SOPA was about and not that they were for or against but that at least they knew about it.

              Amazing that two students of 48 actually knew about it...

              The awareness thing WORKED!!!!!!!



                Re: Protesting SOPA

                The Khan Academy speaks out against SOPA and PIPA.

                and in the last 1/3rd of the video Sal Khan explains how SOPA is even worse than you thought!
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Protesting SOPA



                    Re: Protesting SOPA

                    See my above and also:

                    Wikipedia has some statistics.

                    says they are not done yet

                    and that SOPA and PIPA are just "waiting in the shadows" to come back.




                      Re: Protesting SOPA

                      A somewhat funny video about SOPA/PIPA. BTW, one of PIPA's sponsors backed out.

                      (modedit: fixed link)
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: Protesting SOPA

                        nice one GG


                          Results of FF's SOPA protest

                          lotta protestin' goin' on!




                            Kim Dotcom does not a Steven Levy make

                            Turns out that the folks did not have a "folk" looking out for their "best interests"....he was just a James Bond wannabe and getting filthy rich.



