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Google+ what do you think of it.

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    Google+ what do you think of it.

    Two things:
    I just experienced it a few minutes ago with a "trial look".
    Here is an article on it:

    What say you?


    Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

    G+ is nice. Most of the tech illiterate world is on Facebook, but you have Linus, Randal Munroe, basically a huge bunch of geeks doing G+, which is awesome. It's basically still in the early stage, where content trumps advertising junk. I don't expect it to go on for much longer like that.
    "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


      Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

      Originally posted by de_koraco
      It's basically still in the early stage, where content trumps advertising junk. I don't expect it to go on for much longer like that.
      You pretty much summed up the main reason why I wasn't interested in MySpace, am not interested in Facebook, and probably won't be interested in G+.
      "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
      -- Douglas Adams


        Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

        Originally posted by HalationEffect
        Originally posted by de_koraco
        It's basically still in the early stage, where content trumps advertising junk. I don't expect it to go on for much longer like that.
        You pretty much summed up the main reason why I wasn't interested in MySpace, am not interested in Facebook,
        Ditto. I hated MySpace--so garish and way too BUSY for my liking; Facebook, I just couldn't see what was so great about it, what with its clunky, non-intuitive interface and all, and then when I found out [what I'm sure is just the tip of the iceberg] how they covertly share their users' personal data, I was done with it. Deleted my account and never looked back.

        and probably won't be interested in G+.
        I don't know yet for me. G+ has a very different feel to it, and it's heavily, heavily populated with the geekiest of the geeks right now--so much so that I haven't even felt comfortable POSTING anything. I'll read, but not post. I'm hoping it retains its current charm, but I guess time will tell.
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

          +1 for Halationeffect, and I just don't like having "something else", notice not someBODY else, putting all my stuff out there.

          I know, I can turn it off....but....

          I use Yahoo mail for my junque mail and it is always wanting me to "stay logged in"... a perfect way to have somebody walking by the computer getting into my e-mails(if it was public, which it is not) but anyway, the "principle" of the thing that a "computer program" puts my stuff where I may, or may not, want it is ....

          unsettling to me.



            Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

            I had a Facebook account but closed it after a friend of a friend of a friend sent me a photo of a teenage girl in panties and bra who had obviously taken her own photo with a cellphone.

            I gave G+ a try and found it better than FaceBook. I follow SJVN, Linus, Scobol and a couple other good tech people. When stupid stuff or comments get posted I mute the post or un-follow or un-circle the source. So, generally speaking, I use G+ as an aggregator of interesting web content. This saves a lot of time unstead of generally browsing around or doing random Google searches. I don't put personal info in my profile nor do I post any photos other than the one I use here.

            G+ has Hangout, a feature which allows up to 10 people to hold voice and/or video chats simultaneously, seeing and hearing everyone at once, as if we were all in a big circle talking to each other face to face. I set mine so that the main video displays whoever is talking at that moment. Also, one can play a video that everyone else can see at the same time and can comment on it while it is playing. That fact that all of this is happening in a web browser is neat. The only thing it doesn't have is screen sharing or remote control. Adding those two things would make G+ perfect.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

              Hmm, this:

              Originally posted by GreyGeek
              ... I use G+ as an aggregator of interesting web content. This saves a lot of time unstead of generally browsing around or doing random Google searches.
              G+ has Hangout, a feature which allows up to 10 people to hold voice and/or video chats simultaneously, seeing and hearing everyone at once, as if we were all in a big circle talking to each other face to face. I set mine so that the main video displays whoever is talking at that moment. Also, one can play a video that everyone else can see at the same time and can comment on it while it is playing. That fact that all of this is happening in a web browser is neat. The only thing it doesn't have is screen sharing or remote control. Adding those two things would make G+ perfect.
              and this:

              Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
              G+ has a very different feel to it, and it's heavily, heavily populated with the geekiest of the geeks right now
              ... are making me somewhat more interested in giving it a good old look-see.

              I'd just assumed it was YASN (yet another social network), but it does sound like it might be both less and more than that (less of the stuff I dislike, and more of the stuff I might like). At least for now.
              "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
              -- Douglas Adams


                Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                Originally posted by HalationEffect
                I'd just assumed it was YASN (yet another social network), but it does sound like it might be both less and more than that (less of the stuff I dislike, and more of the stuff I might like). At least for now.
                It *could* be YASN. It all depends on who you put into your circles and what access rights you give them. I have one circle for personal family, one for Kubuntu friends, and one for following. I rarely use the personal or Kubuntu circles (why, when there is this forum? ), just the ones I follow. Their streams often contain posts from other interesting people and websites. If those posts are not flukes I follow them. Sometimes I mis-evaluate and have un-circle a person, or even block them. Sometimes I mute a post, especially if it gets too long or deviates to irrelevant topics.

                Great site.

                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek
                  Sometimes I mute a post, especially if it gets too long or deviates to irrelevant topics.
                  What?! I find thread drift fun.
                  Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                    Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                    If you convert your Google profile to G+, Picasa provides unlimited storage for images smaller than 2048 x 2048. That was enough to get me to do it. I deleted all the circles and made most of my G+ stuff private.


                      Re: Google+ what do you think of it.


                      hmmmm now THAT is an idea!!


                        Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                        It's a problem for me. G+ won't let me sign up using my primary Google login, because it thinks I am too young. So I had to sign up using a different Google account. It is just too aggravating to have to switch accounts every time I want to check G+, so I am not using it. I do use Faceboook because most of my extended family and friends are on there and I keep up with them that way.


                          Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                          i was using G+ when it first came out then i deleted my account. mainly cause im the tinfoil hat type. i also realized i don't have anthing to talk about.. although the hangout feature is pretty cool. would be nice if i could use the with regualar gtalk also.
                          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                          (top of thread: thread tools)


                            Re: Google+ what do you think of it.

                            I have a google+ account for work, because my boss told me I needed to make a Facebook page for our shop (I work in a print shop, franchised, and corporate wants twitter/facebook handles), so I insisted we should get a toe in the door at g+ at the same time.

                            So far, I've been less than impressed with both. At least I've got twitter and facebook playing together, so I don't have to fuss with facebook too much.

                            For my personal social networking needs, I'm mostly a twitter fiend... but I've recently started playing with Diaspora. It's very similar to Google+ (the development timelines on the two are close enough together that it's easy to argue who stole from who), but I generally like the feel of Diaspora better.

                            If anyone gets curious, I'm on the pod, but you can add me to aspects from any pod.


                              Guess what!! Google is now allowing people to join if they are 13 are older, so I was able to establish a Google+ account using my primary Google login. No more switching accounts. I'll be checking in there much more often now.

