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"Stallman Was Right"

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    "Stallman Was Right"

    The crux of the matter here is that unlike the days of yore, where repressive regimes needed elaborate networks of secret police and informants to monitor communication, all they need now is control over the software and hardware we use. Our desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and all manner of devices play a role in virtually all of our communication. Think you're in the clear when communicating face-to-face? Think again. How did you arrange the meet-up? Over the phone? The web? And what do you have in your pocket or bag, always connected to the network?

    This is what Stallman has been warning us about all these years - and most of us, including myself, never really took him seriously. However, as the world changes, the importance of the ability to check what the code in your devices is doing - by someone else in case you lack the skills - becomes increasingly apparent. If we lose the ability to check what our own computers are doing, we're boned.

    That's the very core of the Free Software Foundation's and Stallman's beliefs: that proprietary software takes control away from the user, which can lead to disastrous consequences, especially now that we rely on computers for virtually everything we do. The fact that Stallman foresaw this almost three decades ago is remarkable, and vindicates his activism. It justifies 30 years of Free Software Foundation.

    And, in 2012, we're probably going to need Free and open source software more than ever before. At the Chaos Computer Congress in Berlin late last year, Cory Doctorow held a presentation titled "The Coming War on General Purpose Computation". In it, Doctorow warns that the general purpose computer, and more specifically, user control over general purpose computers, is perceived as a threat to the establishment. The copyright wars? Nothing but a prelude to the real war.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: "Stallman Was Right"

    The copyright wars & patent absurdity ......................I can see some ware in the future the computer police knocking down the door ...........Mr wright your coming with us are guilty of modifying your computer and that violates the "right to use" policy of the ULA you sined by turning it on .......and you have illegal code on that thumb drive that has been outlawed by the MS congressional comity .

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
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      Re: "Stallman Was Right"

      The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.
      It's time people recognize the importance of GNU and FSF. Free Software isn't about getting your stuff at $0 cost. It is about protecting freedoms.
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      Kubuntu's documentation


        Re: "Stallman Was Right"

        I am thankful for free software, but I do not want to heap any praise on stallman. The guy is beyond eccentric, and imho a complete freak. Whatever you do, keep your parrots away from him...

        I think the guy is a ticking timebomb, and his "weirdness" may end up unravelling any good the FSF has done. If they were wise, they'd distance themselves from him.


          Re: "Stallman Was Right"

          Have you met him personally, and are you implying that he eats domesticated parrots?

          If the "bomb" hasn't gone off in 30 years I doubt its a bomb. The length of his hair or his ecentricity has nothing to do with the strength of his arguments. Stallman has done MORE for the GPL and FOSS than any other individual alive, except Linus Torvolds, and without the GPL, which Stallman has staunchly defended over the decades, you wouldn't have a Linux distribution or any open source software. Exactly which one of the Four Freedoms do you think is a crazy idea and not worth defending. Perhaps you have been influenced by the PC crowd who didn't like the tone of a few jokes he cracked a couple years ago, and claimed he was "sexist", a totally absurd assertion.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: "Stallman Was Right"

            Originally posted by eggbert
            I think the guy is a ticking timebomb, and his "weirdness" may end up unravelling any good the FSF has done. If they were wise, they'd distance themselves from him.
            You obviously don't know very much about Richard Stallman. Without Stallman there would be no FSF. There would be no GPL. There would be no GNU, and without GNU, no viable Linux. Very likely, there would be no free software -- whatever your definition of free is.


            linux since slack 2. kde since beta 1. kubuntu since hardy.


              Re: "Stallman Was Right"

              As for the parrots, well... all i will say is its on his personal website. There are some other things he is apparently ok with, which is some seriously messed up stuff.

              I have no qualms with his free software activism, the 4 freedoms, etc. But i do wish it was not tied to him. He is a strange strange individual, and frankly, i question his sanity.


                Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                Originally posted by eggbert
                He is a strange strange individual, and frankly, i question his sanity.
                Then by all means you should avoid academia. It is flooded with "strange individuals", who appear insane ... until you understand their brilliance.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                  "I refuse to eat the most intelligent animals, such as simians, cetacians and parrots."

                  I read quite a bit of his personal web site, and I see absolutely no indication whatsoever that he is "crazy" or dangerous or anything else "wrong" with him. What the hell are you talking about, eggbert? He seems far more sane and real than all the automatons racing around wearing ties at the office ... (to pick one of his favorite topics) ...
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                    parrot sex, he "yearns" for it.

                    There's also this blog post that sums up his "weirdness" nicely

                    I do not deny that he has done a lot for free software, nor do I deny that he is a very very smart guy. However, dude just totally creeps me out.


                      Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                      Originally posted by GreyGeek
                      Stallman has done MORE for the GPL and FOSS than any other individual alive, except Linus Torvolds, and without the GPL, which Stallman has staunchly defended over the decades, you wouldn't have a Linux distribution or any open source software.
                      The point being, that GNU/Linux would have been impossible without the GNU. GNU would not have happened without Mr. Stallman's fanatical devotion to his ideals. Anyone who enjoys GNU/Linux systems, such as Kubuntu, ought to at least acknowledge our debt to FSF, GNU, and Mr. Stallman.

                      To be perfectly honest, I don't give a crap whatever he does with parrots.
                      Welcome newbies!
                      Verify the ISO
                      Kubuntu's documentation


                        Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                        it is sad to see someone being judged for insignificant behavioral traits and looks when they have obviously done so much good in whatever they do........

                        and wear did any of those links say anything about parrots ? ....... I like parrots .....

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                          I saw this article this morning, and I knew you guys would be up on it! Free Software FTW.
                          ​"Keep it between the ditches"
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                            Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                            I was mocked at Xandros when I posted a sig that said:

                            "Live free or die!".

                            Their attitude was:

                            You see...err....what is your user name...oh ....yes....woodsmoke....sniff, sniff.........that kind of sentiment is just so....passe'. Please pardon me while I whiff some suff, quaff some whine and eat some brie...... oh yes...... as to that .....kind of is just so...passe'.



                              Re: "Stallman Was Right"

                              Originally posted by woodsmoke
                              quaff some whine
                              Hahaha! I'm not sure whether you intended that, but given the context here, "quaff some whine" is really funny

