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Let's take a moment to acknowledge upstream and the work they do

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    Let's take a moment to acknowledge upstream and the work they do

    Here is the latest KDE Commit Digest. It represents one week in upstream KDE Land. The work these guys do is amazing, along with the work the Kubuntu team does of course as well.

    KDE Commit-Digest Issue 212 4th December 2011

    I wanted to take a moment to reflect on an important part of what all goes into making our favorite OS what it is today. It's also a reminder of why filing bug reports DOES matter, even if the gratification is slow if at all by taking the time to do so.

    By the way, I joined the Commit Digest Team and will start contributing some time to this much needed and very useful tool. I don't code beyond HTML, so this is a way to help give back a little. I would recommend subscribing and checking it out in order to keep up with all that's moving and evolving in KDE-land.


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    Re: Let's take a moment to acknowledge upstream and the work they do

    Very nice Dequire.

    I might also mention the actual filing of "bug reports". if one does not file a report and merely rants then one should not expect a change.

    I filed a bug about the Kspread chart crash.

    The original bug report had been closed because nobody else had posted one.

    When I posted mine it was re-opened.

    WE....really CAN help. And Dequire's way is a good one.


