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If the Matrix ran on Windows

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    If the Matrix ran on Windows
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

    "Ubuntu... I'm going to learn Ubuntu?"

    LOL, love it!

    Minor nitpick - he mangles the pronunciation of it, as so many do
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
    -- Douglas Adams


      Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

      Hahahaha! Very worth the effort I had to make just to watch!

      It seems the last few rounds of updates to Precise have borked Flash in Rekonq. Sigh. I really would prefer not to pull in a laundry list of i386 libs just for nspluginviewer, so I've had to bid Rekonq adieu. I'm now using Opera 12.0. This browser loads the 64-bit flash plugin from the Oneiric partner repository just fine.

      I know a lot of you use Chrom(e)(ium)...but Google already owns enough of me :P


        Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

        Originally posted by SteveRiley
        I know a lot of you use Chrom(e)(ium)...but Google already owns enough of me :P
        Yup. Choose your masters wisely...
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

          Originally posted by SteveRiley

          I know a lot of you use Chrom(e)(ium)...but Google already owns enough of me :P
          Really. I depend on Google way too much. I like Google. They're still the biggest, baddest search engine on the planet. But lately they've started to have a certain borgish feeling about them. That is making me uneasy.

          linux since slack 2. kde since beta 1. kubuntu since hardy.


            Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

            Originally posted by budr
            But lately they've started to have a certain borgish feeling about them.
            Beware the Borgle!


              Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

              Originally posted by SteveRiley
              Originally posted by budr
              But lately they've started to have a certain borgish feeling about them.
              Beware the Borgle!

              I guess resistance was a little too futile for you, heh budr?
              The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                "I'm feeling assimilated"
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                  SRWare Iron is worth a look - it's Google Chrome without the Google branding, and without the 'phoning home to the mothership' behaviour of Chrome.

                  They've even been nice enough to make .deb files (both 32- and 64-bit flavours), available here:
                  "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
                  -- Douglas Adams


                    Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                    Well, I had to give up on Opera. It was just a little too...weird. And some simple things I find necessary -- like the little expand-window triangle in the lower right corner of the KFN compose window...

                    ...simply don't show up. Font rendering is odd: when you zoom, it makes the spaces between words randomly larger. Reading a sentence that looks like this makes my brain hurt .

                    So, while holding my nose, I installed Chromium from the dev channel PPA, which is at version 17. Do any of you guys use the one from the daily channel PPA? It's at version 18 now. And I also had to force the repo to Oneiric, because the PPAs aren't building for Precise yet. (Version 15 is in the Precise repos -- that's ancient by now )

                    What an ugly browser this is. The theme and scrollbar from Oxychrome on help somewhat -- at least the boring blue bar is gone. But I miss my KDE tabs. And curiously, even though I have the oxygen-gtk widget installed, Chromium's menu is still all Gtk+ garish-squarish.

                    This is really all Flash's fault!


                      Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                      I couldn't do Opera either, and I don't like the way Chrome works.

                      I want to create an email with a URL link already in the body of the message with a two or less clicks. I like the Wolfram toolbar, I want to see the IP of the site I am visiting, and I like to be able to customize my browser more than what Chrome allows. So, I always come back to FireFox.
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                        I'm surprised to hear so many complaints about how chrome looks. It's way faster and more stable than firefox has been for me and I really could care less about the looks of the browser as I keep it full screen anyway. Here's a screenshot showing the "Incredible Start Page" option. It's a dual monitor setup so it fills the main monitor to the tab bar.
                        Attached Files

                        Please Read Me


                          Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                          I guess I just want it to look like KDE. I'm growing tired of Firefox and even Thunderbird; when 12.04 is finished I plan to reimage my primary laptop (the T420) and ditch both Mozilla products. I'll use KMail even if they don't get HTML mail replies done right.

                          I'd dearly love to have a KDE browser. Konqueror shows signs of neglect and Rekonq is still a bit unstable -- I'm seeing a fair number of crashes, both in the version that comes with Precise and the more up-to-date version from šumski's KDE Goodies PPA.

                          But I have discovered one thing that I like very much about Chromium -- it sips memory! Where Opera sucked 225 MB, Chromium hovers between 30 and 40 MB. I like that a lot. Plus, Opera seemed to make my Acer run hotter.


                            Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                            I dropped Thunderbird and switched to KMail last year. I imported my TBird email into Kubuntu and never looked back. I run it for three email accounts and I have no complaints. It does what I want to. I also tried KOffice and found that its WP is the only one I can find that will read my old Word Perfect documents.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: If the Matrix ran on Windows

                              I use Thunderbird (and will use KMail) only as a front-end to Gmail -- I prefer true email clients over web-based ones. I try to keep as little data on my PC as possible; yes, I'm totally a cloud dude.

                              And regarding Office...I've slowly begun the transition to Calligra. I'm migrating what few personal documents and presentations I have away from Microsoft Office formats and over to ODF. I've chosen Calligra because KOffice looks be close to the end of its run and of course because it integrates with KDE much better than OpenOffice.

