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Dropbox article Linux mentioned jobs opening

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    Dropbox article Linux mentioned jobs opening

    This is a VERY good historical article about how Dropbox was created, "Linux" is mentioned midway down on the second page, and for those in need of jobs they are hiring big time.

    So a question, will this affect Ubuntu "cloud"?


    Re: Dropbox article Linux mentioned jobs opening

    I have a DropBox account and I use Kfilebox, which sets in my system tray. It syncs the files between my local DropBox folder and the cloud DropBox perfectly. Drop something into my local folder and it appears, shortly, in the cloud. Ditto in reverse.

    I also have an UbuntuOne account. The "ubuntuone-preference" program is supposed to install in the system tray if you have the option checked. It does do that, but when you close the gui front end UbuntuOne is removed from the system tray.

    Also, with UbuntuOne in the system tray, dropping files into the "Ubuntu One" folder frequently crashes Dolphin. And, another thing I don't like is that it asks for root permission before it will run. Kfilebox does not do that and it works much better. Worse yet, dropping files into my local "Ubuntu One" folder does not result in the files being automatically uploaded to my UbuntuOne account. I have to use the "Upload File" option from the account using a browser. Also, uploading a file from some other computer and expecting it to automatically download to my local UbuntuOne folder is an exercise in futility, if even though the "File Synchronization" option is checked.

    I know that Kubuntu is not Ubuntu, BUT, its DNA is close enough that one would expect it to perform as well on Kubuntu as it does (?) on Ubuntu.

    So, right now, neither DropBox nor iCloud have a thing to worry about from UbuntuOne. For me, Ubuntu One works no better than a USB memory stick. In fact, the USB memory stick is more convenient and I am not limited to 1GB or 5GB...

    Oh, the system tray app is named "KSysTrayCmd", which is a little presumptuous, since ubuntuone-preference is not an app built using Qt or KDE4. And, that system tray applet has no option to resync the folders ... just "hide", "undock" or quit. The "undock" is a worthless option because if you close the gui the system tray applet unloads itself.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Dropbox article Linux mentioned jobs opening

      I wish SugarSync would keep their two-year-old promise and come out with a Linux client. I prefer that product because I can sync multiple folders, not just a single one like with Dropbox. Plus I've managed to bulk my SugarSync account to 12 GB through referrals...


        Re: Dropbox article Linux mentioned jobs opening

        Plus I've managed to bulk my SugarSync account to 12 GB through referrals...

        Is that what they mean by "networking"?
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

