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84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

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    84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

    Betanews: Google is Firefox's Christmas miracle

    It's no secret that Mozilla needs Google. The Mountain View, Calif. search company provides a significant source of revenue for the software company, as it is the default search in Firefox. That deal has been extended an additional three years... Specific terms of the deal were not disclosed, but it may be safe to assume that it will contribute somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million yearly to Mozilla's bottom line.

    In 2010, the Google partnership accounted for 84 percent of Mozilla's $123 million in revenues or about $103 million. Losing such a lucrative partnership would spell trouble for the company considering its weakening position in the browser market.

    Putting it simply: Google pulls out, and Mozilla collapses. That said it still poses an interesting dichotomy, where Mozilla's biggest benefactor is also now its biggest competitor. How much longer does Google let Firefox stick around, or better yet -- how much longer does Mozilla depend on Google for its well-being?

    Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

    Wow. I could not sleep at night with my business 84% dependent on a single customer.


      Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

      I don't see Google doing anything as evil as killing Firefox. However if I were to speculate ... if Firefox goes away, watch for Konqueror and other browsers to suddenly get a lot more attention from both users and developers. A world where Chrome dominates the browser market would not benefit anyone but Google. I'm betting the Free Software community is smart enough and strong enough to respond appropriately to such events.
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        Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

        Originally posted by Telengard
        I don't see Google doing anything as evil as killing Firefox.
        I don't either -- at least not deliberately. But when a business is that dependent, all Google needs to do is have a change in their strategic plans that makes the Mozilla partnership no longer desirable, and Mozilla suddenly transforms into a dead duck. It doesn't have to be hostile to be fatal.


          Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

          Google doesn't care which browser their search engine is used on, just as it doesn't care how much third parties make from Android. Mozilla needs to get their act together though, they've become a major bureaucracy.
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            Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!

            Originally posted by de_koraco
            Google doesn't care which browser their search engine is used on, just as it doesn't care how much third parties make from Android. Mozilla needs to get their act together though, they've become a major bureaucracy.
            I think Mozilla realizes this. They seem to be putting a lot of R&D and polish into Firefox and Thunderbird now.
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              Re: 84% of Mozilla's revenue comes from Google ads. Wow!


              So, yeah, it was all just a bidding war...
              "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"

