Re: Linux with a window manager, without a DE or toolkit or D-bus or X
These days, window managers offer the same speed and stability, but you also get modern amenities, be it via freedesktop protocols like dbus, or standalone programs - since we're talking about automounting, pmount is a script that allows for userspace mounting outside of fstab, devmon is a userspace deamon that automounts stuff via udisks. You do have to dig a little deeper than with KDE or Gnome and Unity, but that's half the fun. As I said, I tend to keep away from DE-centric technologies like Gstreamer, Network Manager or file indexing, because I can shave off a lot of overhead and actually increase stability. Say, I don't need the 100 MB download for codecs, because my media players of choice, mpd and mplayer, have all the codecs built in, I don't have any problems with wifi network connections dropping because ifupdown wither works 100% correctly or doesn't work at all, my sound always works because I don't use Pulse. Most importantly, the primitive tech I use means I'll pretty much never have to change configurations, because it's all implemented in dumb config files, so I'll just keep /home unformated and keep rolling.
Btw, mc is still running strong. I fire up Thunar from time to time, but most of my file management is done with coreutils or mc.
Originally posted by GreyGeek
Btw, mc is still running strong. I fire up Thunar from time to time, but most of my file management is done with coreutils or mc.