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What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

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    What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

    If our tests are any indication, though, KDE 4.7 is the desktop environment to beat, with Unity 11.10 a close second and Gnome Shell 3.2 bringing up the rear.
    Have you tried ?

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    Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

    nice article.

    concerning Gnome3:

    Touchscreen laptop users liked the large icons and well-spaced menu entries, and didn't really mind the missing Minimise and Maximise icons which would have interfered with the Close button.


    [img width=400 height=224][/img]



      Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

      Strange question to ask on a forum devoted to a version of Ubuntu which features KDE4.

      But, if you want an unbiased opinion, then I have to go with KDE4.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

        Originally posted by GreyGeek
        But, if you want an unbiased opinion, then I have to go with KDE4.
        LOL "unbiased"

        Most people here are big fans of KDE, myself included. To be honest though, in GNU/Linux there is no "best" anything. There are only choices, and evaluating those choices against your own needs and expectations is your job. The best advice is to try them all, and decide for yourself.

        Besides Ubuntu and Kubuntu, there are also Lubuntu and Xubuntu.

        Try them all and have fun. It costs you nothing to download the ISOs, and you can test each of them by burning and booting the CD or in a virtual machine.
        [me=Telengard]is running Lubuntu in a VM right now [/me]
        Welcome newbies!
        Verify the ISO
        Kubuntu's documentation


          Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

          I see you caught my "unbiased" joke!

          You're right, the best desktop is the one you like.

          I just saw this over at Slashdot: Razor-Qt DE. It looks like KDE but is advertized as a "light-weight environment".
          Razor is a toolbox-like desktop-environment. While trying to feature everything a modern desktop has to offer (panel, session, desktop). it lets the user choose what to use.
          Here are some screen shots:

          The PPA is here, but it is only at 0.4.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

            I'm going to plug Bodhi Linux here again - as I often do. Solid *buntu based Enlightenment desktop.

            Please Read Me


              Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

              Originally posted by oshunluvr
              I'm going to plug Bodhi Linux here again - as I often do. Solid *buntu based Enlightenment desktop.

              I would answer the original question this way: "Depends on what hardware you have to throw at it."

              I happen to have an Asus EeePC 4G/701. It has a 4GB SSD, a CPU that runs at 630Mhz,and 1GB of memory. KDE 4 would be a miserable slow-death experience on that little thing (if you could even fit it onboard), but xfce provides a very reasonable desktop for it.


                Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                KDE, without a doubt. It's the best desktop environment on any OS. If you're not using KDE, don't use a DE, use a window manager.
                "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


                  Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                  Originally posted by de_koraco
                  If you're not using KDE, don't use a DE, use a window manager.
                  Maybe, but I have to say that LXDE seems pretty workable to me. It's no KDE of course, but so far I haven't found any show-stoppers in it.
                  Welcome newbies!
                  Verify the ISO
                  Kubuntu's documentation


                    Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                    It's useless as a DE really, it's just Openbox with a panel. LXDM is nice though.
                    "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


                      Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                      Originally posted by de_koraco
                      It's useless as a DE really, it's just Openbox with a panel. LXDM is nice though.
                      So, what does LXDE lack?
                      Welcome newbies!
                      Verify the ISO
                      Kubuntu's documentation


                        Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                        A settings daemon (XFCE does too), a session manager (I dunno what lxsession does, but it certainly doesn't save and restore your session), hell even a centralized settings manager is lacking (even though lxappearance is a fine tool), not to mention a power policy and so on. All of these things either can't be implemented, or have to be implemented manually, which is just as easy/hard to do in Openbox standalone.
                        "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


                          Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                          Originally posted by OneLine
                          What's the best Linux desktop environment?
                          I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...KDE!
                          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                            Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                            Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
                            Originally posted by OneLine
                            What's the best Linux desktop environment?
                            I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...KDE!
                            LOL ....... I always leened toward KDE myself ................. but I dont mind Fluxbox ether

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Re: What's the best Linux desktop environment ?

                              Originally posted by vinnywright
                              Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
                              Originally posted by OneLine
                              What's the best Linux desktop environment?
                              I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...KDE!
                              LOL ....... I always leened toward KDE myself
                              Imagine that! Meeting up with another person--on a Kubuntu board of all places!--who also likes KDE.
                              Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

