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Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

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    Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

    As folks may know, I am a heavy user of Kontact.

    With the exception of "syncing" with my google calendar I have found it to be "fully functional" for at least the last 8 months or so.

    In the past I wasted a lot of time going over, again, and again, the "fixes" for syncing which litter the net, to no avail.

    I have always "downloaded/uploaded" and ical file to "sync" the calendars on my various machines with google calendar and google android calendar.

    Kubicle's post has eliminated the problem, for me, with syncing with Google calendar.

    I DO NOT KNOW about other calendars, but that indicates to that KDE PIM developers have the internals of Kontact calendar sync working but may, or may not, have problems with the "proprietary" stuff of various calendars.

    And that, since we have always said, ok, when it can be done with Microsith, we could possibly say "ok" for the other calendars also.

    The only other "niggle" for me has been Akregator which seems to "not work off and on" but as noted in another thread that may be a problem with the amount of memory on one of my machines.


    Can it be said that all of the parts of Kontact are now "functional" even though there will always be "bugs" and "non-compliant" software with which it has to interact?

    just a question and if anyone desires to comment on particular problems, or other things, then please do so.

    yes completely for me
    yes partially for me
    no not at all for me

    Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

    I've never used Kontact so--for once!--I have nothing to say.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

      that is ok, just take a couple of asprin, lay back, and relax!



        Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

        I took my Xanax this morning, so I'll pass on the aspirin. Much more relaxing, you know? (Seriously, we recently added Xanax to my five-drug hypertension cocktail, because we could not find an organic source of my ridiculously high BP. So we figured trying anti-anxiety meds might help--and it has! I only take a half dose but it's enough to help, without making me drowsy.)
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

          Ya know, maybe you really SHOULD relax a little more...seriously maybe a small vacation.



            Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

            No...I'm on a permanent vacation. For a lifelong workaholic like me, being unable to work since 2003 has SUCKED.

            I find plenty to do, but most of it's at home--on the computer. (Surprise!)
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

              Kontact/Kmail - the full suite - just works for me.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                Kontact/Korganizer/Akonadi/Digital Clock Applet integration - two thumbs up!. I use Korganizer as the front end. Akonadi feeds events on the calendar in the Digital Clock. Can't even get such ease and automation on a Mac!


                  Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                  Thanks for the comments guys and if anybody else, keep 'em coming!


                  YESSIR! I love that digital clock applet.... it really amazes me that all of this stuff is SO integrated!



                    Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                    Kontact just rocks! It's getting better and better from what I read, but I have used it about a year now without issue. Most of the bad press stems from people upgrading from KMail to KMail2. As I use IMAP, this was not an issue for me.

                    Hopefully, in time, more people will use Kontact. Or at least try KMail and go from there.
                    ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                    K*Digest Blog
                    K*Digest on Twitter


                      Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                      Hi dequire
                      thanks very much for the post.

                      I also use IMAP, have you read that there are problems with POP as opposed to IMAP?



                        Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                        Hi Woodsmoke!

                        No I haven't - I've only read about the nightmares upgrading from Kmail1 to KMail2.

                        My fear is that, much like KDE 1.0, many people will be hesitant to use KMail for it's bad rap. FOSS user's are like elephants sometimes...they never forget

                        Merry Christmas!
                        ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                        K*Digest Blog
                        K*Digest on Twitter


                          Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                          And a merry Christmas to you also!



                            Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                            I've been suffering with Kontact issues since upgrading from 11.04 --> 11.10. Thankfully, this was after we got our Christmas labels printed!

                            Anyway, I was able to import my Contacts from a CSV file that we used to print labels from my wife's Mac (egad! the Mac trumped Linux in this instance!). So I have all the contacts again. For the life of me, I could not figure out how to get them back after the upgrade, thank goodness for the CSV file. So that's working.

                            Now, my events seem to have disappeared but I do see some of them when looking at the Summary. So are they still there? And another thing, when I go to create a new event, I can't. In fact, everything under the Actions menu is grayed out! Frustrating.

                            I do not use To-do Lists, Feeds, Journal, Popup Notes or Kmail so none of that matters to me. Just the Contacts (which I have working now) and the Calendar.

                            Any help / suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!



                              Re: Could we say Kontact is "fully functional"?

                              Hi footer.
                              I'm sorry that you are so frustrated. You gave the numbers to 11.10, for Oneric, so assume that you are running 4.7.3 for Kontact correct?

                              Have you enabled Nepomuk?


