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68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment

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    68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment

    I was at my genulmans' club today....looking at a car show... I know....kind of late in the season but you know car guys....

    A fellow offered me a 68 'vette....really nice....for a reasonable price....

    But i have always liked the 67 'vette.....

    When the "bunch" was polishing our elbows.... a fellow mentioned to me....

    "Did you ever wonder just .....WHY......there was such a complete redesign between the '67 and the '68 corvette, with such a massive reduction in horsepower?.....?

    I said, "I plead ignorance."....

    And he said...."It was because there are a lot of people IN POWER who think they are smarter than everybody else, and they just HAVE to tell you and me just how stupid we are."

    I read a science fiction story in the late 70s that had the curious situation of a guy that had been magically transported to the far future and he was walking beside the road and this car CREPT up upon him.... and he flagged it down even though he was walking faster than the car....

    The fellow let him ride...

    and the rider glanced at the speedometer.....and it registered a hundred and fifty miles per hour.....and there were....

    curiously two big EXHAUSTS in the cabin....that BLEW AIR AT HIS that he FELT like he was going a hundred and fifty miles per hour....

    but.....he was not.'

    If the lie is big enough, and told long enough....everybody believes it.

    and...please remember.....I hold an earned MS in plant ecology and carried placards to keep American Cyanamid from dumping concentrated sulphuric acid in the Gulf of Mexico...

    But now I know....why I quit loving 'vettes after '67.


    Re: 68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment

    I took a look at the links but my brain went into overload status. So, instead of commenting on your actual post, I'll veer OT! This has nothing to do with your post except that it's car related.

    Have you heard about the 2012 Porsche 911 Carrera S? It has some fascinating--and, in some cases, frightening--features.

    The one that fascinates me the most is its 7-speed manual transmission. SEVEN speeds. Really? I could get used to driving a 911 very easily--and if I had a spare $90,000 or so sitting around, I'd buy one--but it would be pretty weird getting used to two extra gears. The article says that its seventh gear is really just an overdrive, and that it reaches its top speed in sixth, so seventh is for freeway/autobahn driving. Still it would be strange. But I'd get used to it, just like I transitioned from an ancient 3-speed [with second gear missing] that we borrowed from a friend; our car had broken down and I'd never driven anything but automatics (I was 18), but I had to get to work so we borrowed this Corvair with a 3-speed manual transmission. My husband gave me a crash course [luckily, not the LITERAL kind] on driving a stick shift and the next morning off I went. FUN! Anyway, once I started driving only manual transmissions at 25, they had 4 [forward] speeds, then 5 as in my current car.

    So this Porsche has a 400 horsepower, 6-cylinder engine which I could easily adapt to.

    Some of its--to me--bizarre features include things like its "start-stop function": "Come to a stoplight, shift the car into neutral and take your foot off the clutch: The engine turns off. Step back on the clutch and the engine fires back up immediately. Cool, but eerie." Um, yeah, that's not for me. I want total control at all times, including at a stoplight. If there's a car barreling up behind me I want to move *NOW* not later. Clutch depressed, in 1st gear, ready to go, thank you very much.

    Then there's its seven-speed, dual-clutch AUTOMATIC transmission. Huh? What the hell is a dual-clutch automatic transmission? I can't quite wrap my head around that and I'm too lazy to look it up, so it'll just have to stay a mystery to me for now!

    Finally, "Third gear is deliberately tall and it’s a wonderfully practical place to leave the shifter during tight canyon driving; it has all the torque you need to pull you out of a turn yet the driver can get plenty of speed without needing to shift into fourth." I think I'd like that a lot. After moving back home I spent a lot of time driving up into the mountains and canyons, so this sounds good. (I haven't done any mountain driving since pre-brain surgery, as the curves would've made me dizzy. But one of these days I'll resume! Wish it could be in a Carrera. )
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Re: 68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment



        Re: 68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment

        Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
        I'll veer OT!
        This much is to be expected.



          Re: 68 corvette a certain Congress and my disappointment

          Originally posted by SteveRiley
          Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
          I'll veer OT!
          This much is to be expected.

          Hey. at least I have the courtesy to SAY I'm going way the hell off topic! :P
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

