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So, I figure..

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    So, I figure..

    ..that if I am going to have to be alone for the first time in my entire life, I might as well do it near what I have left for family.

    Savannah, here I come!!

    Maine, I will always love you dearly but I will have to trade your winter snow and cold for the summer heat and oppressive humidity in Georgia. No hard feelings, eh?

    Re: So, I figure..

    Hey - good luck on the move. I guess you'll be off-line for a bit?

    Please Read Me


      Re: So, I figure..

      I sure hope not I just upped my data plan on the phone to 10gb, VZ is having a sale this month so I will be online, just less often.

      My dsl/landline will probably be getting cut off soon, so I thought it was a smart extra 20 dollars to spend for the 8 extra gb of bandwidth.


        Re: So, I figure..

        Ok - no forum posting while driving!

        Please Read Me


          Re: Re: So, I figure..

          Naw, tethering man, tethering

          Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


            Re: So, I figure..

            I feel for you, claydoh! I HATE moving and do it as infrequently as possible, most recently moving back to California from Texas. And--oh yeah!--I know about heat and oppressive humidity. Besides Texas, I lived in Florida, too.

            How long have you been in Maine? Getting acclimated again to the Georgia heat and humidity may take a while.
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: So, I figure..

              Originally posted by claydoh

              Savannah, here I come!!
              Hey, good luck in Savannah -- a town I've always wanted to visit and never quite made the trip.

              Here in Ohio, we like to mix 'n match the weather. So, a little HOT AS HELL in Jul-Aug, then we do "F'N FRIGID" in Jan-Feb, and the rest of the time it rains.


                Re: So, I figure..

                Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
                I feel for you, claydoh! I HATE moving and do it as infrequently as possible, most recently moving back to California from Texas. And--oh yeah!--I know about heat and oppressive humidity. Besides Texas, I lived in Florida, too.

                How long have you been in Maine? Getting acclimated again to the Georgia heat and humidity may take a while.
                I grew up a military brat, so I grew up moving all the time before I was 17
                Alaska, Minnesota, Mass, Maine, Texas, Florida, Spain, Florida again, Arizona for a couple months, then back to Maine in 1983 - so almost 30 years here

                I always had problems with humidity, but I finally have gotten tired of the winter snow. Plus I can deal with the humidity if it puts me with family


                  Re: So, I figure..

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  Here in Ohio, we like to mix 'n match the weather.
                  One day while walking across OSU's Oval, I noticed some clouds gather overhead and proceed to dump several hundred gallons of rain two feet away from where I was standing. It was as if a wall of water materialized in my path. Very weird.

                  Originally posted by claydoh
                  Naw, tethering man, tethering
                  I'll leave my Thinklight on for ya.

                  Originally posted by claydoh
                  Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
                  Don't let it become Tapatalkndrivencrash, mmmK?


                    Re: So, I figure..

                    Good luck on the move Claydoh!

                    I, personally, have become quite enamored of the "Nuance" speech recognition software on my phone and use it for texting, it gets most stuff right most of the time, but I don't know that it "learns" you, and it works relatively well with some small ambient noise.



                      Re: Re: Re: So, I figure..

                      Originally posted by SteveRiley
                      Originally posted by dibl
                      Here in Ohio, we like to mix 'n match the weather.
                      One day while walking across OSU's Oval, I noticed some clouds gather overhead and proceed to dump several hundred gallons of rain two feet away from where I was standing. It was as if a wall of water materialized in my path. Very weird.

                      Originally posted by claydoh
                      Naw, tethering man, tethering
                      I'll leave my Thinklight on for ya.

                      Originally posted by claydoh
                      Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
                      Don't let it become Tapatalkndrivencrash, mmmK?
                      Naw, have to have a car for that lol!
                      And have you ever tried texting on a bicycle?

                      Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


                        Re: Re: Re: So, I figure..

                        Originally posted by claydoh
                        And have you ever tried texting on a bicycle?
                        You're cycling from Maine to Georgia


                          Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: So, I figure..

                          Originally posted by SteveRiley
                          Originally posted by claydoh
                          And have you ever tried texting on a bicycle?
                          You're cycling from Maine to Georgia
                          No no no!

                          Obviously my brain ain't working right

                          Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


                            Re: So, I figure..

                            Originally posted by SteveRiley

                            One day while walking across OSU's Oval
                            Hey Steve -- when were you walking on the Oval? I was there during 1969 - 1973 -- in May, 1970 you could look up and see tear gas canisters falling from the sky!


                              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: So, I figure..

                              Originally posted by claydoh
                              Obviously my brain ain't working right
                              It must be the radiation from your mobile phone. Where are you right now? I'll 3D-print you a tinfoil hat.

                              Originally posted by dibl
                              Hey Steve -- when were you walking on the Oval? I was there during 1969 - 1973 -- in May, 1970 you could look up and see tear gas canisters falling from the sky!
                              1985-1989. No plunging tear gas, but the rain had a distinct acidic smell...

                              Another time I was crossing in the evening and heard some giggling emanating from behind a large cropping of bushes. "Huh," I thought, "I know what's going on there." Later that month I found some keys for opening the lock on one of the many doors barring entrance to OSU's extensive network of underground steam tunnels. I meandered my way to the tunnels under the oval, and noticed several spherical gratings in the ceiling -- vents to the outside. One of these vents just happened to be very close to the aforementioned shrubbery, which was quite the popular location to, ah, practice applied anatomy! I showed a few friends and we spent a good month "haunting" the place, frightening the hell out of a good number of "first-timers"...

