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A Kubuntu netbook edition?

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    A Kubuntu netbook edition?

    What if we imagined a netbook kubuntu?

    First scenario below:

    The first thing might be to decide what the base distro should provide.

    a) main emphasis on music and video
    b) secondary emphasis on internet
    c) tertiary emphasis on games
    d) quaternary emphasis on "applications" such as office.
    e) pentary emphasis on "settings".

    so how to get that stuff on the screen.

    The approach of Unity etc. is to produce a "new interface."

    Well what if we just put the things that are already on the distro on different faces of maybe an 8 sided cube, or a swipe which is what Win 8 really is.

    Put an inch high panel at the bottom and LOCK, somehow, certain applications on certain faces. Make the buttons for the apps about 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch.

    Maybe put a locked "rocket launcher" on each face with the appropriate apps for that face.

    Now, yes, any subsequesntly added apps would have to be put there by the user, but an instruction read me could be provided for that.

    Put the pager widget with names for all the faces on all faces and lock it.

    Make the first page with a locked folder and all of the file system in the folder, like it can be configured now on startup. Only lock the folder say on the right side of the screen so that a large menu can be activated by the menu button. Now, the menu can be activated on all faces, but this one would be kind of "reserved" for the menu and the file system.

    Although the "presentation" of say, Unity, is that the user can install whatever is wanted, I PERSONALLY think that the version for a netbook will have a LOCKED panel on the left, when they figure out what it is that "most" people would use it for.


    Second scenario below:

    Or....alternatively, what if we provided AT BOOTUP, not a GRUB that givesdifferent distros but instead gave options of "Productivity" option, internet option, music option, game option.

    The thing that is not thought about is that the FILES would stay the same, in other words no matter what type of option was chosen all files would be there AND all applications would be there but the screen seen at first use for say music, would have Amarok already up and running.


    Yes, I can hear you say, well they could do THAT anyway...but....well....if they have been lifelong windblows users and are buying a netbook with a Linux on it for the first time in their lives, maybe not....

    Just two "musings" I had

    Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

    Some thoughts...

    * Don't lock anything in place. Unity and GNOME Shell have taught us that one person's design dreams are another person's design nightmares.

    * Requiring me to make use choices at boot time would become frustrating...what if I change my "mood" later? I have to reboot my box?

    * Preloading apps ("Amarok already up and running") would increase boot time. I like the idea, but it should be a configurable option.

    * Can't we pretty much do most of what you're asking already with KDE Activities?

    * Is anyone actually buying netbooks anymore?

    * You omitted an "f) sextary" emphasis. Why?


      Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

      Originally posted by SteveRiley
      * Is anyone actually buying netbooks anymore?
      Hi all...

      I guess they aren't doing too bad, according to this article.

      As for what software should be emphasized, I would bump the office applications up a notch or two. An article on GeekSquad's site mentions these applications as one the more popular uses (or perhaps the reason for their purchase, in some cases,) for a netbook. I would be inclined to agree. I once saw a woman bring a netbook to a Bible study I used to go to.

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      How do I know this personally? Please read here:
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        Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

        Originally posted by SteveRiley
        Some thoughts...

        * Don't lock anything in place. Unity and GNOME Shell have taught us that one person's design dreams are another person's design nightmares.

        * Requiring me to make use choices at boot time would become frustrating...what if I change my "mood" later? I have to reboot my box?

        * Preloading apps ("Amarok already up and running") would increase boot time. I like the idea, but it should be a configurable option.

        * Can't we pretty much do most of what you're asking already with KDE Activities?

        * Is anyone actually buying netbooks anymore?

        * You omitted an "f) sextary" emphasis. Why?
        Yeah, what he said.
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

          there already is a netbook interface for kde.. you can use activate it in
          system settings->workspace behavor-> workspace -> workspace type.

          that being said i don't use the netbook interface. (even on this netbook im using.)
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

            Originally posted by ardvark71
            I guess they aren't doing too bad, according to this article.
            That article is over a year old. PCWorld and The Guardian, among others, are sounding the death knell for netbooks. However, Acer apparently seems not to notice.

            Originally posted by sithlord48
            there already is a netbook interface for kde.. you can use activate it in
            system settings->workspace behavor-> workspace -> workspace type.
            I would actually use that if it didn't insist on maximizing every window. Looks weird when a little dialog box expands to fill the entire screen! I suppose there's a setting for that though


              Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

              Hi guys
              good comments all....
              This was just a musings thread.
              If anyone else has comments put them in the mix



                Re: A Kubuntu netbook edition?

                Originally posted by SteveRiley
                I would actually use that if it didn't insist on maximizing every window. Looks weird when a little dialog box expands to fill the entire screen! I suppose there's a setting for that though
                iirc the setting to change that is in system settings-> window behavor.
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)

