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An Ubuntu poll

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    An Ubuntu poll

    Hi everyone, I've created a poll on to find out which is the most popular *buntu at this moment in time. I am assuming that most users here don't use UbuntuForums but if there are any members here with an account at UbuntuForums could you please take part in the poll so as to get a more accurate picture of which *buntu people are using.

    Thank you

    Re: An Ubuntu poll

    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Re: An Ubuntu poll



        Re: An Ubuntu poll

        Done. Plus, I finally joined using the same username too.
        The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


          Re: An Ubuntu poll

          Done. I've been a member of Ubuntuforums since 2007.
          Welcome newbies!
          Verify the ISO
          Kubuntu's documentation


            Re: An Ubuntu poll

            Originally posted by Telengard
            Done. I've been a member of Ubuntuforums since 2007.
            2005 for me, and I used to be very active over there, but I got tired of being admonished for saying things like 'windoze.' I overwhelmingly prefer it here at KFN.
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: An Ubuntu poll

              My vote has been added. Kubuntu has served me well for the last couple of years. I have installed in on many family members computers who were having problems with Windows.


                Re: An Ubuntu poll

                Done. I've been a member of both of these forums since 2005 (started using Kubuntu in June of 2005). I've watched the progress over the years and have mostly been pleased with the results. However, I'm slightly disappointed with the 'performance' and other tweaks of the distro of late.

                A month or so ago, I went to 11.10. It botched my printer. Had to revert to 11.04 to fix. I'm still using 11.04 but it seemed that the performance of 11.10 was slightly better. It's mostly Xorg that seems to be the bottleneck, it uses near 50% of my CPUs (dual core) most of the time.

                I have Kubuntu 9.10 installed on another hard disk in the same machine and just for grins, I fired that up this morning and wow, speedwise, that distro rocks! It is VERY fast, and I'm talking on the same machine! NO DELAYS due to Xorg or anything else.

                So anyway, I hate to switch my allegiance but if this performance problem keeps up, I might have to go looking elsewhere (NOT Windows!). Mageia looks like an interesting newcomer though I know nothing about Mandriva.


                  Re: An Ubuntu poll

                  Voted and added a little comment. Kubuntu 11.0 is currently my main OS.
                  Linux User #454271


                    Re: An Ubuntu poll

                    I had to check the first three choices. I have been a member there since 02/07 but I don't post there very much anymore.


                      Re: An Ubuntu poll

                      Done. Took me a while to figure out what my username was, since my username here was already taken.

                      Agree with above posters, the community is MUCH better around here.


                        Re: An Ubuntu poll

                        Done and done

                        been a member on the Ubuntu forums since 2009 but sense I use Kubuntu I am usually hear

                        and really like this forum better anyway (not as crowded and at times a bit more friendly as well)

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          Re: An Ubuntu poll

                          Originally posted by vinnywright
                          and really like this forum better anyway (not as crowded and at times a bit more friendly as well)
                          Okay, I think everyone here knows about me and my big mouth, right? Well, I can smell a troll a mile away, especially a windoze troll, so over at UbuntuForums when I'd see one appear I'd call them out. Pretty clearly. And then I'd get warnings via PM from mods acting like I'd committed some crime, when all I was doing was what everybody else wasn't, calling a spade a spade. I'm not a child. I really don't need to be censored, especially when saying the obvious.
                          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                            Re: An Ubuntu poll


                            I got lambasted at PCLinuxOS forums for mentioning another disto. You'd have thought they were going to lose money if someone tried another brand.

                            I deleted my account that very day.

                            Please Read Me


                              Re: An Ubuntu poll

                              Originally posted by oshunluvr
                              I got lambasted at PCLinuxOS forums for mentioning another disto. You'd have thought they were going to lose money if someone tried another brand.
                              Good grief.

                              On the CafePress shopkeepers' forums, if you type the name of other PODs (print-on-demand companies), such as Zazzle, when you post it gets replaced with asterisks, like this: ****** (They even do that in private messages!)
                              Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

