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An Ubuntu poll

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    Re: An Ubuntu poll

    Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
    Originally posted by vinnywright
    and really like this forum better anyway (not as crowded and at times a bit more friendly as well)
    Okay, I think everyone here knows about me and my big mouth, right? Well, I can smell a troll a mile away, especially a windoze troll, so over at UbuntuForums when I'd see one appear I'd call them out. Pretty clearly. And then I'd get warnings via PM from mods acting like I'd committed some crime, when all I was doing was what everybody else wasn't, calling a spade a spade. I'm not a child. I really don't need to be censored, especially when saying the obvious.
    Yea, we know that! I don't care for trolls either, whether they for or against some subject (Windows, Linux, Government, whatever). It's good to express your opinion on something, but go overboard with it and cause a flamewar like I've over on Slashdot (but they can be entertaining at times.).
    The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


      Re: An Ubuntu poll

      Originally posted by bsniadajewski
      Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
      Originally posted by vinnywright
      and really like this forum better anyway (not as crowded and at times a bit more friendly as well)
      Okay, I think everyone here knows about me and my big mouth, right? Well, I can smell a troll a mile away, especially a windoze troll, so over at UbuntuForums when I'd see one appear I'd call them out. Pretty clearly. And then I'd get warnings via PM from mods acting like I'd committed some crime, when all I was doing was what everybody else wasn't, calling a spade a spade. I'm not a child. I really don't need to be censored, especially when saying the obvious.
      Yea, we know that!
      My job is done.

      I don't care for trolls either, whether they for or against some subject (Windows, Linux, Government, whatever). It's good to express your opinion on something, but go overboard with it and cause a flamewar like I've over on Slashdot (but they can be entertaining at times.).
      Flame wars CAN be fun. I used to get into lots of them--on abortion boards and various other places--but really haven't caused or participated in one lately. Hmmmmm...
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


        Re: An Ubuntu poll

        Originally posted by bsniadajewski
        Yea, we know that! I don't care for trolls either, whether they for or against some subject (Windows, Linux, Government, whatever). It's good to express your opinion on something, but go overboard with it and cause a flamewar like I've over on Slashdot (but they can be entertaining at times.).
        I must be getting the slashdot meme syndrome, because I'm leaving words out. Meant to say "but don't go overboard and ..." and "... like I've seen ..."
        The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


          Re: An Ubuntu poll

          That's okay--your post made perfect sense to me, bsniadajewski. I wonder if there's a deep meaning to that...
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            Re: An Ubuntu poll

            oshunluvr wrote:

            I got lambasted at PCLinuxOS

            I got BANNED from the forum because of a rant that another person did about how GWB was purposly letting the California Wildfires burn because he had "all the helicopters" in Iraq.

            When I posted a quote from the guy that was the chief of wildfire responders in CA that they had EXCESS helicopters .....from a California Newspaper....quoted from the official California DNR site....

            The person went ballistic and I was banned on the spot.



              Re: An Ubuntu poll

              All this talk about boorish behavior on other forums... it's simple, really. Observe:

              This is a very calming image. Its color pattern relaxes the visual cortexes of its observers. It reduces stress. It exudes an understated attractiveness. It induces in its observers a higher form of debate, and it reminds us that we are not alone in the universe.

              To contrast:

              Chaos reigns supreme. It encourages profligate wastage of human energy just to navigate its vast wasteland of stuff you don't need. Its gaudy splashes of excitable colors exhausts those unfortunate souls who must stare at it every day, and they become quick to release their aggression at every opportunity. When you have to fight against your computer just to accomplish simple tasks, you don't care who you harm along the way.


                Re: An Ubuntu poll

                DYK, Who knows?

                SteveRiley, I would usually just put everything I want/need into the Launcher and not have to deal with the menu. Not only that, but since I use the MinimalCD to install, I don't have to worry about getting what I don't want. I would have only two requests for Unity: a movable Launcher, and the ability to turn off/on global menu without having to uninstall appmenu-* (though I will anyway, unless I didn't install it in the first place.)
                The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                  Re: An Ubuntu poll


                  You are an unusually deep person.



                    Re: An Ubuntu poll

                    Why, thank you, woodsmoke. For reasons I have yet to fully fathom, I've found KFN to be a refreshing oasis that has helped me organize my thoughts and get back into the writing groove I love. So much so that I'm now regularly contributing new pieces to my employer's blog, and thoroughly loving it. Here's the latest example, "On the importance of secure software layers." You might recognize a portion of the content


                      Re: An Ubuntu poll

                      Steve Riley:
                      two items:
                      a) I perviously tried long and hard to obtain employment writing "instruction manuals". I cut my teeth on them when I was working in college, the bosses asked me to write out instruction sets for other employees, and when I was in the USN i, with my little hands on an IBM selectric typewriter, rewrote all of the Radarman's "A" manual, a huge beast, with an old grizzled Radarman Chief and an english teacher.

                      Being in the midwest, of course, I couldn't get any traction. So it wandered off into me manufacturing my own education goods and writing instruction manuals for them!

                      So, I envy you.

                      But also, I recognize very good writing in terms of "pithy writing" but not "telegraphic". Good flow. The use of anecdotal material to which anyone should relate. A beginning, a middle and an end. The discreetness of including the "advert" toward the end and not slapping the reader in the face at the beginning. That the beginning and end are not: "This blog is about" and "please buy our product".

                      You are a very good writer.

                      b) I can relate to "enter 1 or 2". My oldest boy, who is now a very top tier programmer, and I started by writing a dungeon crawl game on the old Timex Sinclair 100 so we ran into that EARLY on!! lol.


                        Re: An Ubuntu poll

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        But also, I recognize very good writing in terms of "pithy writing" but not "telegraphic". Good flow. The use of anecdotal material to which anyone should relate. A beginning, a middle and an end. The discreetness of including the "advert" toward the end and not slapping the reader in the face at the beginning. That the beginning and end are not: "This blog is about" and "please buy our product".

                        You are a very good writer.
                        Thank you, kind sir.

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        So it wandered off into me manufacturing my own education goods and writing instruction manuals for them!
                        I would like to learn more about what you've created. Is it available online?


                          Re: An Ubuntu poll

                          Mmmmmm yeah but only for coin of the realm!

                          "Most" of what I have written was published as hard copy and sold through retailers like Carolina Biological. Due to a massive car wreck in because of which I was laid up in bed for four months I was forced to either sell the business or go bankrupt, so I sold the manufacturing side, but that also entailed books which were dovetailed with the manufactured stuff.

                          I'll send a copy of a digital book to you but it'll take a while I'm heading out for Thanksgiving with the oldest boy in a city across the state.



                            Re: An Ubuntu poll

                            I put in my vote.


                              Re: An Ubuntu poll

                              Me too


                                Re: An Ubuntu poll

                                i voted for my kubuntu .i forgot that i had even had a ubuntu forums account( i don't go there often)...
                                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                                (top of thread: thread tools)

