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Where's oshunluvr?

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    Where's oshunluvr?

    I've missed oshunluvr's posts the last few days. I see from his profile that he popped in yesterday, but hasn't posted recently. I hope everything's okay over in Long Beach.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

    Re: Where's oshunluvr?

    He's probably drinking a dry Shiraz and ignoring his laptop ...


      Re: Where's oshunluvr?

      Lol, actually a combination of work, family, and a failed water pump (see the last line in my sig image). Of course, there was some red wine involved...

      It's nice to know someone noticed my absence! Right now, it's a little "warm and fuzzy" here in Long Beach

      Please Read Me


        Re: Where's oshunluvr?

        Hi Oshunluver.

        I was stationed in Long Beach when I was in the navy and loved it. Very laid back but still "together".

        A hilarious story if I might.

        One Christmas while I was walking up Long Beach boulevard, with the palm trees decked out in light! I encountered at the end of several blocks:

        a) first block Salvation Army with bucket, ding ding
        b) second block Hari Krishna, ding ding rani nani rani nani
        c) third block Salvation Army, ding ding
        d) fourth block Hari Krishna rani nani rani nane
        e) fifth block Salvation Army
        f) sixth block Hari Krishna
        g) seventh block( expecting Salvation Army) Hell's Angles laying on their bikes, parked at an angle in a group with a couple of "German Helmets" and "hats" on the sidewalk and a sign: Need money for booz and broads or would take just booze or broads straight.

        Again, GREAT place.

        For years I thought the Sudden Impact carousel was the one on the Pike but it turns out it was the one in Santa Cruz.

        For the below video move the cursor to about 1 min 20 seconds to get the full effects of sound on=3

        Yep, loved the place!!



          Re: Where's oshunluvr?

          Originally posted by oshunluvr
          Lol, actually a combination of work, family, and a failed water pump (see the last line in my sig image). Of course, there was some red wine involved...
          Hey there, my friend. I'm just glad you're okay--failed water pump or not.

          It's nice to know someone noticed my absence! Right now, it's a little "warm and fuzzy" here in Long Beach
          Yep, I noticed. As for "warm and fuzzy," it's cool and fuzzy here in Arcadia. Looks like it might rain...but maybe not. And then there's the house across the street--the one that's having a McMansion go up in its place--and they're tearing it down. Started early yesterday morning. Damn...
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            Re: Where's oshunluvr?

            Good story 'smoke We've lived here for a decade give-or-take and it looks like a totally different place from when you were here, although I suspect the vibe is similar. First couple of years we lived in downtown proper (loft in the old Kress department store building) at Fifth and Pine and now in a 100 year-old Long Beach Craftsman bungalow about a mile east of downtown and a block from the sand.

            Still a pretty cool city - lots going on and lots of diversity. Every flavor of people and activity you can imagine! Although I haven't seen any Hari Krishnas, the bikers still have their favorite hangouts and the Salvation Army will be out this weekend for sure.

            Lately though, SoCal living has worn on my wife and myself so we're looking to relocate for awhile. Either Florida or North Carolina. The timing will depend on work and real estate!

            @DoYouK: Thank you dear, I hope you're doing well also. Unfortunately for you, it's likely the noise and mess from the project across the street will be worse than the final outcome. :P At least the first stages eventually go away. Try and stay sane up there! See you in the forum pages...

            Please Read Me


              Re: Where's oshunluvr?

              Originally posted by oshunluvr
              Lately though, SoCal living has worn on my wife and myself so we're looking to relocate for awhile. Either Florida or North Carolina. The timing will depend on work and real estate!
              My husband's from Florida and we lived there for a while [a, a BILLION] years ago. We were on its west coast, in the Tampa/Clearwater area. This California girl found it extremely humid--and FLAT. The beaches were pretty and there were things about Florida I liked, but I knew I could never live there permanently.

              My best friend is currently living in North Carolina. She's a retired Marine and her daughter and son-in-law are both Marines, stationed at Camp LeJeune (where she was stationed when she was first in the Marines). When we talked last night she said she'd gone to the store earlier that evening and it was 36 degrees at the time, and the temperature had dropped considerably since then. Like me, she HATES cold weather. The difference is that she's from New York, and I'm from Southern California. You'd think someone born and raised in NY wouldn't have that much of a problem with cold weather, but she does. We met when we were both living in Dallas--and it got REALLY cold there, too. It's funny but there's this widespread misconception that Dallas has a temperate climate, much like L.A. Ha!! I was there when the temps hit single digits and electricity went out for days because of ice storms. Then there's the summer...100+ degree temperatures and 90+% humidity. Ugh.

              @DoYouK: Thank you dear, I hope you're doing well also. Unfortunately for you, it's likely the noise and mess from the project across the street will be worse than the final outcome. :P At least the first stages eventually go away. Try and stay sane up there! See you in the forum pages...
              I'm actually doing quite well right now. I feel better than I have in a long time. The problem is that my health can--and often does--change at the drop of a hat, so that's always kind of looming over me. But right now it's all good. I've had several things happen lately, out of the blue, that really made me happy. One was a 'political artist' award at Zazzle which resulted in the design being featured. Then there's...well, please pop in on my thread about my big news--I'd LOVE to see your guesses at what it is.

              As for the house across the street...oh, goodness. I'm really dreading its replacement. From its plans we got in the mail, the house is going to be HUGE and take up most of the lot--as McMansions tend to do. I'm sure you're right about the noise and mess being worse than the final outcome, but I really dread the final outcome!
              Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                Re: Where's oshunluvr?

                My company is based in Orlando so it's likely we'll end up there for awhile. My sister lives there also so it wouldn't be bad. I know the weather is a lot different than here, but we'll keep a home here so we can return at will.

                My wife is a born and raised South Bay girl (Torrance) and never lived anywhere else. She wants to see what it's like. The fun part will be when she discovers bugs. I mean the real Florida kind of bugs! She thinks a fly in the house is horrid. Wait until she sees a 2-inch-long flying cock-a-roach!!!

                We bought some coastal land in North Carolina in 2003, now paid for in full. Four point five acres with 70 ft. tall trees and 165 ft. of waterline. Some day I plan on sitting on my own dock with my morning coffee and prepping my boat for the days scuba dive. Then, back with the fresh catch to have lunch with the wife and watch the sunset on the deck with a nice bottle of wine. Not a bad day, huh?

                We also like the idea of only being six hours from Paris/Rome/London/Barcelona... 8)

                Please Read Me


                  Re: Where's oshunluvr?

                  Originally posted by oshunluvr
                  Some day I plan on sitting on my own dock with my morning coffee and prepping my boat for the days scuba dive. Then, back with the fresh catch to have lunch with the wife and watch the sunset on the deck with a nice bottle of wine. Not a bad day, huh?
                  The imagery is exceptionally fine.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Where's oshunluvr?

                    Originally posted by oshunluvr
                    My company is based in Orlando so it's likely we'll end up there for awhile. My sister lives there also so it wouldn't be bad. I know the weather is a lot different than here, but we'll keep a home here so we can return at will.
                    I see.

                    My wife is a born and raised South Bay girl (Torrance) and never lived anywhere else. She wants to see what it's like. The fun part will be when she discovers bugs. I mean the real Florida kind of bugs! She thinks a fly in the house is horrid. Wait until she sees a 2-inch-long flying cock-a-roach!!!
                    When I first moved to Florida, one of my husband's Air Force buddies told me about "palmetto bugs." He said they could even get into the refrigerator--and that they were huge, and could fly. I don't think I'd ever even seen a cockroach before, so his stories of these huge, FLYING, disgusting bugs that could even invade the fridge scared the crap out of me. The first time I actually saw one I think I almost had a heart attack--and I was only 17 at the time! I never did see any in the refrigerator and eventually concluded that he had said that just to get me. Shame on him!

                    When I was living in Dallas--which has cockroaches every bit as big as those in Florida--one night I was sitting in my living room and both of my dogs [Great Danes] stood up and were staring at SOMETHING on the wall above my head. I cautiously turned to see what it was, and it was a giant roach. I jumped up and then cleverly decided to swat at it with a broom. Bad idea. The $@!#(*& thing FLEW across the room at me and hit me in the forehead. I screamed. I'd gotten used to bugs by then and wasn't nearly as terrified of them as I'd been when I was younger, but having a 2-inch long cockroach fly and hit me in the FACE was an exception, and I SCREAMED. Absolutely disgusting.

                    We bought some coastal land in North Carolina in 2003, now paid for in full. Four point five acres with 70 ft. tall trees and 165 ft. of waterline. Some day I plan on sitting on my own dock with my morning coffee and prepping my boat for the days scuba dive. Then, back with the fresh catch to have lunch with the wife and watch the sunset on the deck with a nice bottle of wine. Not a bad day, huh?

                    We also like the idea of only being six hours from Paris/Rome/London/Barcelona... 8)
                    Well, as long as you come back to SoCal at some point...
                    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

