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Flash for mobile being discontinued

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    Flash for mobile being discontinued


    Re: Flash for mobile being discontinued

    It appears that blogs are now the hip rad way to announce that you're killing off a product. Maybe they should call the blog "Adobe Capitulations" rather than "Adobe Conversations."

    However, HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively.
    Sorry, folks! We, uh, lost.

    We are excited about this
    Eating our own young is fun!

    [We] will continue our work with key players in the HTML drive HTML5 innovation they can use to advance their mobile browsers.
    Developers, get on the HTML5 bus before we throw you under it.

    Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores
    Just kidding! AIR is the new blouser.

    We will of course continue to provide critical bug fixes and security updates
    As soon as we find cheapo replacements for the 750 programmers we laid off.

    increase investment in HTML5 and innovate with Flash
    Yeah, we really ought not to blog by committee, but we can't stop now. Schizophrenia ain't new around here.

    Flash Player 11 for PC browsers just introduced dozens of new features, including hardware accelerated 3D graphics
    Yup, that thing with the rapidly declining market share -- that's our innovation target! If we keep developing more and more for a platform that's becoming less and less, soon we'll write everything for nothing. Maybe Richard Stallman won't hate us anymore.

    we will design new features in Flash for a smooth transition to HTML5
    Our editors didn't like our first draft, where we mentioned the self-destruct feature. So we had to obfuscate it. Sorry. Again.

    skills will continue to be leveraged
    Here's a fulcrum for your leverage...yeah buddy.

    We are super excited
    We are so lame, we have to steal other people's favorite phrases.

    across PCs and devices
    And you get to code each experience twice!


      Re: Flash for mobile being discontinued

      I think this looks like the beginning of the end of Flash, and I'm not at all sorry about that. If Adobe really starts to support html5/css3 etc., that'll give a push to development of html5/css3.
      zdnet writes about Microsoft maybe (partially) dropping Silverlight:
      Microsoft is, for some time now, switching to html5/css3 etc.
      It will take some time before html5 etc. can do everything what Flash does, but it's starting to look that maybe, maybe in a few years only open standards are used on the net.
      <mean grin>Some companies in Holland just started with vendor lock-in by using Silverlight and forcing schools (and pupils) to use Windows. If Silverlight really is starting to fade away, I'd love to see a video of the directors board of that companies. They can start programming all over again.</mean grin>


        Re: Flash for mobile being discontinued

        I don't think Flash is a problem at all. I do think that Adobe's proprietary Flash and player products are a huge problem, but only because they have been de facto standards on the web for so long.

        Anyone can make a flash player, or flash development tools. It just isn't worth anything as long as the standard is how Adobe's proprietary implementation (mis-)behaves.
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          Re: Flash for mobile being discontinued

          steve you should be a commentator! lol


