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liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

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    liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

    I've spent fourty years dancing and drinking and eating from Hong Kong to Chicago.....


    you....will NEVER................

    "EXPERIENCE" this.....

    Because all you can do is OBSERVE it....while drinking whine and eating the LATEST politically correct cheese.

    [img width=400 height=279][/img]

    fortunately.....the rest of us get to experience it.

    simple people that we are.

    rather like a HERO of YOURS....Jack Kerouac.

    Soooo you can't even experience Jack Kerouac....except by READING HIM!!


    Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

    Uhh, let's see... some guy on the left stealing wine, a kid blowing his nose into the extracted stomach of some forest animal, some guy in the back slogging the hooch while his bored wife pretends not to notice, another drunk guy in a green hat leaning so far back he's about to topple his three-legged stool, an underpaid piper pining after a pumpkin pie of his own, and a dog chomping on the end of a sword, all while one woman is breast-feeding what appears to be a steak while the woman to her left calmly prays to her favorite supreme being? Oh, and someone should tell George Washington, in the front of that clutch of people on the left, that he's blocking the light. The little girl sitting next to him probably can't see her book very well.


      Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

      Reminds me of the Holiday dinners with my Italian family in my youth. Love it!!!
      Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
      Always consider Occam's Razor


        Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

        Okay, I'll bite
        I guess if I was living in the US you would call me a liberal progressive, or even worse. That's all right with me, because I am. Even for Dutch standards I'm afraid I'm really progressive. And for a lot of people Holland is (or used to be) kind of Sodom and Gomorrah, so if I'm a bit radical here... (Don't know if 'progressive' is the exact right word. Here it's called socialist.)
        But what I'm wondering about, woodsmoke: what gives you the, in my opinion, rather strange idea I never dance, drink, eat too much or do certain things with the non-male half of mankind?


          Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

          Hong Kong is fabulous! Belongs on everyone's must-see list.

          But woodsmoke, I'm thinking we "danced" in different scenes...


            Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

            The Trance Is the Motion

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Re: U.S..liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

              Bravo to all replies!!!

              As to the interpretations of Steve, drunkards correct...but the kid, I think, is eating a pumpkin pie with his finger and the woman with the steak, if one looks at the painting closely has the hand of a similarly chapeued person handing the "thing" to her, it might be a gift.

              As to the woman sitting beside the guy, there is a lot of discussion about why a "rich person"(under the dingus and in front of the green blanket) is there at all, possibly a tenant lord, and the people to the right may have been having to "play nice" in front of her. Don't know.

              And, yes I think the bagpipe player is probably wanting to eat and not play!

              And as to dancing to different scenes in Hong Kong, yes when I was there it was the "hey day" of the "fern bars/dance clubs" the "theme bars/dance clubs" etc. The China Fleet club was a SORRY, SORRY, SAD shell of it's former self.

              The best place for imbibing and dancing was atop the Hong Kong Hilton and the Mandarin Inn, which are now greatly eclipsed by all the other high rises.

              But again, the point about the painting was that I was at a faculty meeting and the artsy #artsy types were sitting around bemoaning that there was not more "art activity" in the college....just like they have bemoaned it in every school and college/University in which I have studied or taught....

              and the problem lies....between their eyes.......(that is a line from Shakespear btw! ) none of them have ever PRODUCED art and thereby can only OBSERVE it....

              The liberal progressives of the U.S. are don't DO anything except sneer at the NON liberal progressives....and ask for government grants..

              they TALK about Jack Kerouac instead of getting a sleeping bag and getting on a bus and travelling across the U.S.

              They sneer at "those" people for not having THEIR knowledge of "art" when they have not themselves PRODUCED art....

              All one has to do is look at the "state" of art in the U.S. today and all of the vast majority of the "liberal progressive" produced art is done on the backs of the U.S. Taxpayer or from "grants" While producing LITTLE that is not just a larger, fancier, more expensive derivation of the ground breaking European Art of the previous century.

              And these same people who have to have a "grant" to produce anything sneer at West U.S. art of which said artists are making money hand over fist and PLEASING a huge audience.

              Just take a look at the incredible RANGE of "West Art" shown on the below page:


              And again, the lib/progs sneer at West Art as "representational" when they don't seem to be able to paint a crooked line let alone a straight one...

              the most outre thing that they have done in the last decade or so was to produce pi## Christ.

              There are three bricks in the San Diego Art Museum, one of them PAINTED red, the other black and the third, I think, coated, in a gold "something" that sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

              THAT kind of stuff was OUTRE maybe....a hundred years the turn of the century German School but is at best derivative... :P

              To make a has to PARTICIPATE with the make a painting of buffalo in the plains one has to actually GO there and maybe experience some non-air conditioned weather to SEE the buffalo and maybe get a mosquito bite!

              What the artsy #artsy people don't like about me is that I was picked up by the local gendarmes at two-o'clock in the morning for....not being DWI!! but for having placed an "ephemeral art" piece made of white plastic sewer pipe( very derivative of the Williams piece "Making Ends Meet" (and he is NOT one of the "in crowd" but he is making money and pleasing people everywhere) in the below link) on the median at the city's center intersection!


              Everybody (that knows about it) in the college thought it was hilarious that I had done an "ephemeral" piece and got CAUGHT except the artsy people!

              Here is a link to a larger copy of the painting that has been "restored", and is a little lighter in tone.

              BTW I use this painting in my Plant evolution lecture to have the students identify gymnosperms and angiosperms!


              Goereobre.... I modified the title!! I'm speaking about the ana#* retentives in the U.S.

              anywhooo GREAT comments!!! lol



                Re: U.S..liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                Originally posted by woodsmoke
                but for having placed an "ephemeral art" piece made of white plastic sewer pipe...on the median at the city's center intersection!
                Hm. So we had our own mystery art here in Seattle in 2009. Someone constructed a number of golden papier-mâché guerrilla art sculptures in a local park.

                [img width=400 height=252][/img]

                The pieces appeared overnight before Labor Day 2009, and while it's against the city code to donate public art without a permit, the Parks Department decided to allow the art to remain for a few days. Alas, people absconded with various parts before the official tear-down date.

                We never did find out who did it. However, now I'm wondering... perhaps our very own woodwhobuildsartoutofsewerpartsorgoldpapersmoke?


                  Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                  Originally posted by SteveRiley
                  But woodsmoke, I'm thinking we "danced" in different scenes...

                  OUCH!! One of those lasers just blinded me!
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                    Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                    Originally posted by SteveRiley
                    Hong Kong is fabulous! Belongs on everyone's must-see list.

                    But woodsmoke, I'm thinking we "danced" in different scenes...

                    Hey look -- an ELO concert! 1979, right? I was there!


                      Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                      Steve, now that is kewl, too bad more of it is not done. All in good fun!! lol



                        Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                        Frankly, woodsmoke, I'm quite puzzled by many of your comments/perspectives.

                        Up until the last presidential election I defined myself as a die-hard Democrat and liberal, and was most definitely (and still am) progressive. I don't want to start a flame war here over politics, so I'm only going to say that I supported Hillary Clinton to the Nth degree, and when Obama stole the nomination from her--AND was wholly unqualified to be POTUS (which he's proven since being in office)--I threw my support to McCain. I'm still liberal, progressive, and a registered Democrat.

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        The liberal progressives of the U.S. are don't DO anything except sneer at the NON liberal progressives....and ask for government grants..
                        Excuse me? *I* don't sneer at non-liberal progressives, and I've never asked for a government grant.

                        they TALK about Jack Kerouac instead of getting a sleeping bag and getting on a bus and travelling across the U.S.
                        Excuse me? In our youth, my husband and I traveled all over the country. I went from California to Florida on a Greyhound bus. We drove all over, and slept in sleeping bags, in our VW van--which burned to the ground as we were driving from Florida back to California, and left us stranded in Texas where we'd been visiting friends. We hitchhiked to Albuquerque where we also had friends, and ended up living there for a while. Through all of this we had our dog and cat in tow.

                        They sneer at "those" people for not having THEIR knowledge of "art" when they have not themselves PRODUCED art....
                        I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. I'm not an artist, yet I produce what some people consider art, i.e., designs that I put on products on my web sites. I certainly have never sneered at anyone for not having MY knowledge of "art," as I don't feel I have any particular knowledge of art (other than some humanities courses in college) and, even if I did, I realize that MY taste in art doesn't have to match anyone else's. Just like my taste in dance doesn't; I used to dance ballet and it's really the only dance form that I love. I cannot STAND modern dance...I think it's ugly, hideous, repulsive, and--compared to the extreme discipline of ballet technique--sorely lacking. But guess what? OTHER people like it, and I don't put them down for that.

                        So, again, I'm quite baffled by some of your observations and/or beliefs.
                        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                          Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                          Oooh yeah. This gonna be great :P


                            Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                            Originally posted by SteveRiley
                            Oooh yeah. This gonna be great :P
                            Well, I held my tongue for a while after reading this thread...a few times. Finally, I had to take a stab at it. I guess we'll see where it goes from here!
                            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                              Re: liberal progressive elites look here!!!!

                              This is a good example of why I don't like labels .................................................. .......................

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

