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occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

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    occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

    This is not intended for the actual people who are working for George are being paid too much money to care...

    but for the SYMPATHIZERS...of the "Occupy Wallstreet" thing..... the people who sit and look at news reports ....

    If one watches an old film....Aside from the fact of the Occupy Wallstreet thing being financed by George Soros that Jesse was a disgruntled guy from the Civil War....

    The "justification language" ..... for Occupy Wall Street and the Jesse James film are almost identical.

    The problem with the scenario is that "when Jesse James isn't wanted, the people won't support him"...and he was eventually killed...

    When a group has the money of Soros backing it to produce the newspapers and pay for the New York advertising agency and pay for the hotel/motel rooms of the organizers....

    Soros...can try to do what he did in England....which was break the bank...and make even more billions....

    about which the OWS people are either purposely or unintentionally oblivious...

    wood....actually was buds with one of Jesse's second hand cousins smoke

    Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

    Hmm... well, since you brought up the topic... Meet the guy who snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD. The comments are particularly wonderful.


      Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

      Originally posted by woodsmoke
      When a group has the money of Soros backing it to produce the newspapers and pay for the New York advertising agency and pay for the hotel/motel rooms of the organizers....
      got a link to a story that isn't conjecture?

      The assumption here is that democrats will be able to consume the OWS movement and therefore the posturing, by the right, to discredit it ASAP. I really hope that they resist the mating calls of the democrats and go it alone. When elections can no longer be purchased, we will have true change.
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

        Hi Tanderson.

        you ask and I link, but all one has to do is do a simple search to find multiple stories.

        This is from the U.K. "Soros spokesman says Soros not funding ....directly or indirectly.'

        This from the U.S.

        Soros funds Tides Foundation, Move On and Rebuild the Dream. So it looks as if the "indirectly" denial may have a small amount of "untruth" in it...not to say the man would lie of course. Just an "untruth" on the part of a spokesman of which Soros has no knowledge.

        Here is Reuters which has an article saying that Soros does NOT fund any of this that the money was given for other purposes... what the other purposes were is not specified...

        On a rather humerous note here is a NY mag that says that Reuters is TRYING to link Soros to OWS

        I could really care less if Soros wants to fund dozens of groups BUT.....he should be open and above board,......

        That is SUPPOSEDLY what is wanted is it not..? from the banks....from big bad government? Openness?


        Your linky is quite hilarious.... the OWS people think of themselves as being so cool and so covert and they weren't The comments at the bottom are rather funny.

        But again, to get back to the point of the thread.... jesse James had been traumatized by the Civil War and had the "sympathy of the people" until he moved AWAY from his original schtick, after that the gang went downhill.

        OWS is not a populare uprising, it is a very well organized thing that has it's roots in Europe and is comprised of people who SAY they detest (Fill in angst ridden term).

        However a woman was bemoaning her hundred thousand dollar loan that she a poor 21 year old woman got to go to a prestigeous college where she would get an education that would give her a hundred thou a year... so

        a) she signed the loan to the expensive college
        b) why would she think that she would not make the hundred thou to pay the hundred thou back?

        mebbe....she didn't really want a high end education she just wanted to party?

        If the people REALLY wanted to protest the thing that was WRONG.......why is she not protesting the college that has the high prices? And a multi billion dollar endowment that could be used to lower prices?

        Why are they not protesting Clinton and Bush who started and enabled the LAWS that required the banks to loan to people who had no way to pay the loans off in the beginning?

        If the original loan programs REQUIRED by the Clinton law had never been passed...

        This thread would probably not even be here.

        and again...Bush went along with it , for different reasons of course.



          Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

          Sorry, see my above, but I forgot to include the most important item.

          Jesse James was "self financed" and and acting for things that the "general community" thought were laudable, if not legal. When he moved away from that then he lost support.

          OWS is part of a larger, global, "down with capitalism" movement that may, or may not, have "local" support.

          However, the descriptive terms are similar in both the James' paradigm and the OWS paradigm.

          It will be interesting to see if the anarchists can get enough funding to keep the thing on the front burner of the people who perceive that they can use the anarchists and then get rid of them.

          There is an old saying...."@#$% happens" might be that anarchy really could devolve to anarchy and the larger community then is subjected to the violence of the few while the media uses the descriptive terms once used for jesse James.



            Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

            Interesting thread.


              Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james

              I think stories about economic hardship and class warfare just prove the old Cold War saying:

              "In communism, man takes advantage of man. In capitalism, it is the other way around."


                Re: occupy wallstreet sympathisers and true story of jesse james


                BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you could be a Zen Tea Master!!!!



                  Are you smarter than a Occupy Wallstreet protestor? lol

                  New York Magazine is not known for being "conservative" ....they did a poll....just HILARIOUS!!!


                  And also they can't seem to be able to handle travelling on public transit.


                  i do have to say that when a lot of us old hippies occupied the docks in New Orleans to protest the dumping of concentrated sulphuric acid back in 74 that we were able to travel half way across the country and not get lost!


                  a rather poor computerized transcription of the some of the first hearings.



