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Upgraded to 11.10 OK

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    Upgraded to 11.10 OK

    I just thought I would put in a positive word here. I upgraded to 11.10 Ubuntu a few days ago and to 11.10 Kubuntu today. There were a few tweaks needed in the screen resolution/display of my CRT but for the most part everything has gone fine thus far.

    I have Kubuntu and Ubuntu on separate primary partitions and I run both for different reasons but I had a lot of help in this Forum in setting up a file sharing of Doc.'s,Music and Pictures. I have not tested the Doc.'s or pictures as of right now but I just finished a test run with Music and as usual I installed it in Ubuntu and it transferred to Kubuntu just fine. It does take an extra step but the fact that it still works without having to re-do the 'link' is great. Thanks to those who helped; watch for a PM. 8)

    I had to spend the weekend helping a friend with his system [Windows] and that really makes me more of a Linux supporter now. I will continue to study rutebook and other manuals but will check in here often for the latest and if I can help or point someone in the right direction I will. I most definitely defer once I see someone I know to be more knowledgeable and do not comment then because I do not want to confuse the topic.

    I continue to learn a lot just by watching other topics being addressed and solved
    Thank you guys and gal's; you have helped me move from being a newbie to an novice. I could not have made that shift without this Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gigabyte GA-990XA-UD3: ATI Fire-Pro V4800; Phenom II X4 970 3.5 Ghz; G.Skill Sniper DDR3 1600 4 x 4GB; WD Caviar Black 1.5 TB;CM 690 case w/9 fans and 6-switch rheobus plus 2 optical drives [ROM & RW]

    Re: Upgraded to 11.10 OK

    I suspect many of us share the same thoughts. This forum has been a significant part of the joy I've derived from learning Linux and coming to know its community. It's certainly the one I'm most active in across the various boards I've joined.

